Excuses are a Cop Out for Performance

Excuses are a Cop Out for Performance

I've been hearing a lot about excuses in the past two weeks and here's my take on them from an executive leadership and communication standpoint.

If you're a person who currently comes up with excuses, do not run from this article, embrace it.

If you're someone who works with a team who is riddled in excuses, use this as your calm force to not get triggered by a lack of performance from your peers.

An excuse is defined as the chance to lessen the blame; a reason or explanation to defend, judge or justify.

Excuses are coming from executives who work with millennial teams who choose their emotions over performance and work, and from CEOs and business owners who have teams that are not doing their jobs.

Why are we so addicted to the excuse? Do we think that it's a way out? Do we think it's like a cover for the reality that hides the actual truth? Whatever that may be, accountability and vulnerability come to mind so that we can all take a step forward in self-help, self development, personal development, whatever you want to call it... a chance to up-level is the way to a non-excusatory lifestyle.

For those who are excuse makers... I'm pretty certain it's a habit. You've got yourself into a mess, you don't want to seem like you don't have your stuff together, so you justify with an excuse or 5.

For those who are around excuse makers and have an epic work ethic, you're frustrated with the lack of willingness to put forth effort and truth from those who hide and you're sick of hearing the way out from everyone around you.

I get it.

Here's my best advice for anyone who lives with excuses... check your ego at the door. It may be fooling you into trying to look like you're perfect, but perfectionism is overrated and accountability is very 2022. Mess up, be honest and try again. There's no cover over you and chances are you're pissing off a lot of people. They may not tell you but you are.

My best advice for those who are around excuse ridden office folks who just can't seem to put accountability in their work ethic toolbox: Acceptance that others will not live up to your standards is the first step, and the next step is that people will always try to get themselves out of a fix if they do not have the tools to communicate clearly and honestly.

Communication is a tool that should be offered at offices small and large to train teams to be valiant and not offended, non-defensive and open to change and transformation. This can happen in a real way if you allow coaches and consultants to bring in ideas that let teams know 'we see you'.

Fear, uncertainty and lack of purpose are the three main components of why human beings choose the excuse over truth- choose wisely next time and level up.

I can help you if you'd like to get rid of an excuse building habit, or if you've been around people who consistently make excuses and you want to know how to not take in their energy.

Leadership works in both ways to honor communication, listening and boundary setting. At the end of the day, not everyone has the performance tools of another... know where you're at and work on yourself; without trying to change others and letting yourself be happy and free, not filled with another's drama.

Will you be excuse free this year? I hope so.

Carry on... with truth.


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Elizabeth Barry is an Executive Communication Coach, Keynote Speaker and Workshop Host that focusses on emotional intelligence, public speaking, confidence, mindfulness and leadership. She has written six books that continue to change peoples lives and is interested in speaking and coaching at offices nationwide to teach adults the art of calm through the way that they speak and feel.

Click here to set up a conversation, or learn more at www.thekindcommunicator.com


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