No excuses, no complaints. Just. Be. Better. motto this year.
I read an article in December, I cant remember where or who wrote it. But it has had such a profound impact on my life that I just have to share it, in my own words, well the general gist of it.... or at least what I have taken from it with anyone and everyone who will listen, in the hope that this new found insight will have an impact on even one other person on the planet.
What are we willing to suffer? Dont get me wrong, what I mean here is not what are we willing to suffer FOR, but rather, what are we willing to suffer THROUGH?
Lets look at it from this perspective. We all want a good body, but most of us just dont have the desire to strain our bodies at the gym each day in order to achieve one. What is the difference between us and those who do make that strenuous effort? Simply, they are willing to endure the actual day to day suffering, some even enjoy it!
The same applies in business. Each business has its rewards, financial and otherwise. But each also has its own unique element of SUFFERING.
Why do we choose one route over the other? Surely if we were all motivated enough by financial freedom and that desire was all it took to drive us into attaining that success, we would all be highly successful and rich?
The motive is the reward, yet we all have the same motives, the same desire to succeed and attain those rewards. Why do some succeed while others dont? Because, they are willing to endure the day to day suffering of their chosen career. They have chosen the particular suffering they are willing and able to endure.
So choose your suffering, accept that you have chosen your particular suffering and then get on with it. Dont complain, dont make excuses just endure and you will succeed!
9 年Brilliant