Excuse Me
'Excuse Me', the common answer for everything said by people with a disease called 'Excusitis'
This is the answer received from all the mediocre fellow, who aren't the Successful.
The victim of this excusitis, start with one excuse and it repeats, becomes imbibed deeper in subconscious. There are some common points to use like bad health, lack of education, too old, too young, bad luck, misfortune, I brought like this way.
Go on to read to vaccinate against the disease of failures - excusitis.
The 4 most common forms of excusitis are health, intelligence, age, luck excusitis.
1. My health isn't good
- This is what used thousands of times an as excuse for failing to do what a person wants to do, failing to accept greater responsibilities, failing to achieve success.
- It happened to feel burdened during full day meetings and inviting can't take up any more, saying this feeling more headache or some ache as a reason in past myself.
- The unnoticed part is that by keep repeating this I'm inviting this, which is called as Emotionally Induced Illness
- In spite the best ways to tackle this health excusitis is by Refuse to talk about health, More worry of health which may come in future, Be thankful to your Health, Its better to wear out than rust out, Enjoy Life than thinking on the hospital bed.
2. I lack brain or intelligence
- This is because of underestimating of our brain power or overestimate the other fellow's brain power. The thinking that guide your intelligence s much more important than how much intelligence you may have.
- This can be overcome by saying yourself daily: My attitudes are more important than my intelligence, Develop an "I'm winning" attitude, Use mental ability to make history or record history made by others? Question yourself
3. I'm very young/old to do this
- Many feel themselves as an handicapped due to age and keep tells I can't break it now I'm too old/young, and restrict their abilities.
- Come out of this by taking a positive look at age, gain enthusiasm from it, Have a number look of productive time left with respect to the current lifespans, if you age 25, rest 75 percent age productive ahead, if you are 50 now then the best 50 percent of your opportunity years left. Avoid thinking negative I should have started years ago than I'm going to start now.
4. The Luck factor
- At the end the result pointed with luck, if he is very successful we say he is lucky or he is not lucky, rather how much hardwork he kept.
- If this formula is taken blindly the nothing would have worked so far, no innovations.
- Take this safe by accepting the law of cause and effect, See the results not by luck but by efforts of preparations and planning. Don't be wishful thinker and waste the mental muscles dreaming an effortless way to win success.
List down your common excuses, strike them off and ensure not to repeat them by force but by noticing the meaningful results it can create for you.
This added a great value to me and thought to share these perspectives from the Magic of Thinking Big book by David J. Schwartz.