The Cypress/Bene-fit Group based in Houston Texas has been a Benefit and Wellness provider and administrator for many years. (I’ll refer to them in this Overview as “the Company”) These patented benefit and wellness programs were created by the former Tax Commissioner of Oklahoma and a benefits expert in the field for 30 years after many millions of dollars in research.

Health insurance changed dramatically around 2010. Pre-existing conditions no longer prevented coverage and the removal of life-time maximums meant coverage couldn’t be canceled no matter how high one’s claims were.

To mitigate these risks and all the new claims, insurance premiums soared. As a result, employers increased deductibles and/or reduced coverage. Some stopped providing insurance altogether or required employees pay for at least some of it. All these alternatives created more financial risk and morale issues for employees and their employers. Many employers realized the need to establish effective wellness programs to reduce future claims, to control the increasing costs.

The Company wanted to find a way to mitigate these high costs and poor-quality health care issues. They did this by devising two innovative, patented, and benefits programs:

?The programs are fully customizable to fit any existing benefit or wellness program a company currently has and is not evasive or disruptive in any way, it just saves an employer between $300 to $1,000 per year, per employee enrolled, and there’s No Cost to the employer.

?96% Enrollment Rate.

?Employee’s monthly net take home pay doesn’t change.

?Both are fully compliant with all U.S. and states tax code provisions, as well as all IRS and ERISA guidelines. 

?The Supplemental Benefit Programs are available and approved in all 50 states. 

?Company administers and enrolls so no extra HR burden on employers, payroll, accounting, etc., and no changes to the current Ins. carrier an employer currently has in place. THIS IS NOT Health Insurance. It is patented, proprietary benefit and wellness packages and other unique products offered only from this Company.


This supplemental benefits program was developed by former Tax Commissioner of Oklahoma, and an insurance benefits expert for 30 years, and after millions in research, a Company has offered it successfully since 2013. Over 100 companies have adapted this program so far.

These programs allows employer to offer a variety of supplemental, customizable health and related benefit plans to employers, to sponsor for their employees (such as gap ins., catastrophic care, stroke and cancer, long term care, extra disability, life insurance, etc)

CAP 1. not only costs the employer nothing, but saves the employer approximately $300 to $600 or more per year, per employee, depending on the benefits the employee chooses and their deductions. For example, a company with 2,000 employees can save between $600,000 and $1, 200,000 per year in pure profit to spend as they choose.

This program’s a type of a benefit bank, with some similarity to a cafeteria plan but totally patented, unique, different and proprietary. The result is that the employee’s net take home pay is the same as it was before they enrolled.

2. WELLNESS PROGRAM-CAP 2 Saves employer up to $1,000 per employee per year or more. Same net paycheck for employees and no out of pocket costs to Employer.

Company also believed it could mitigate high health care costs by making wellness programs easier and more palatable for employers and their employees with savings to employer instead of fees and costs. There was historically low participation by covered employees in wellness programs—about 33%.

The main reasons were most people didn't want to take the time to participate or have blood drawn for biometric testing. Also, a lot of folks don't like going to doctors. Moreover, wellness programs cost employers money upfront, so it’s difficult to encourage many employers to offer these programs, especially when business is slow. Company revamped how traditional wellness programs worked. Company provides “wellness coaches” to their signatory companies with only once a month quick, online visits so there is not a large time commitment to the employees that most other wellness plans have.

They don’t need to take blood to assess the employees’ health. The Company instead brings a patented Biometric machine purchased from Europe, to the workplace when enrolling employees for a quick and painless test. Employees simply place their hands on the system reader. The test takes only about 2 minutes, and is completely non-invasive. This machine can predict serious chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart problems and others problems years before the onset of any recognizable symptoms. The biometric screening identifies cardiovascular and diabetic risk factors up to ten years prior to full onset.

There are never any out of pocket costs and it saves the employer up to $1,000 per employee, per year. Again, the employee’s net take home pay is exactly the same as it was before they enrolled. This program uses Company’s patented, proprietary software to monitor and administer the program to participating employees.

The software is engaging, interactive, easy to use and not time consuming for employees, encouraging them to stay on program, monitor and reach their wellness goals.



What if there’s HR pushback – “No thanks, we already have benefits”, “We don’t want to change or policy or carrier”, “We don’t want/need an extra administrative burden”. “We already have benefit provider and Wellness is too complicated”. “Sounds too good to be true”.

The responses to these legitimate concerns are simple --These are different benefits offered than what any company currently has, and it's customized to each employee and employer's needs and wants.

They don't have any effect on existing coverage, which can remain in place. IT IS ADDITIONAL COVERAGE, not instead of and fits with ANY policy a company has in place. 


Company has offered the Supplemental Benefits Program successfully since 2012. It is available and approved in all 50 states. Wellness, since 2015.

After a very extensive due diligence and vetting, one of the largest banks/wealth management companies in the world which is the highly regulated, RBC, vetted and signed off on the program and additionally, also offers it through their reps to sell to their clients.

Governor Jerry Brown has signed off on the program for a large California pension plan as well as their B of D, Union people, etc. Both programs are currently being used by companies such as large banks, labor unions, cities, restaurants, hospitals, Indian tribes, school districts, Supermarket chains, large medical groups and more.


The programs fall within the same tax code provisions as cafeteria plans. The main differences between these programs and the normal cafeteria plan are that the contribution amount per month under these programs is much greater than the contributions under a normal cafeteria plan. So, they result in much greater savings to the employer and there is no “use it or lose it” part.


Though this may sound similar to other programs, IT IS NOT. These programs are totally unique and proprietary to Company, and fit with almost any other existing policies an employer has in place and cost the employer nothing out of pocket!

The programs are underwritten by AIG/American General Insurance. They also have other unique Ins. Products and will explain at presentations what else they offer.


Company has a 96% sign up rate and the total enrollment time for each employee takes only a few minutes, as there are only a few questions for the employee to answer.

Employees can enroll online or in person with enrollers that Company oversees and provides on site.

CAP 2 Wellness, requires only a 2 minute screening (no blood drawn) a 30 second, once a month online visit, and that's it, and can save a company a lot of money in claims by foreseeing and helping employees stay healthy.


All enrollment, follow up work and compliance is done by Company, so there is no added administrative or other burdens to the employer (HR, Payroll, Accounting, etc.) on both programs. No changes to the employer’s current insurance agent, carrier, or benefits need to be made—these are supplemental benefits added onto any existing policy.


To qualify, the employer/Company simply must offer health insurance to their employees, pay into FICA and SS, and have at least 350 full time employees.

Companies can have an unlimited number of employees, as the Company has a strong fulfillment department to handle large enrollments, with excess of 100,000 to a million or more employees.

For a Presentation set up, please contact:

Daniel Pressello

(647) 915-5916

[email protected]

Daniel Pressello is not, an Ins. Agent or selling the program. He is simply setting up meetings and introductions for presentations.


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