EXclusive News – November 2022
Brand Experiences
Building better experiences for customers, employees, prospects and candidates.
Welcome to the latest edition of EXclusive News, produced by Brand Experiences. This month we recommend you undertake an Employee Experience Audit, let you know what our customers are saying about mojo, highlight some recent thought leadership, and more. We’re EXcited to bring you this newsletter and if you find it useful, do share it with your networks.
Tool Time
You audit your finances, you audit your stock... but what about your people? Most organisations rely on employee surveys to measure their employee experiences, but these only scratch the surface of what your employees actually think. To go deeper, you need an Employee Experience Audit.
Our EX Audits are all EARS: Empathise, Ascertain, Recommend and Strategy. The all-important outcomes will be:
·???????Compelling evidence of how your employees truly view your organisation.
·???????Knowledge of what’s going right and what needs improving.
·???????Increased buy-in and engagement from employees – as they feel a part of the improvement journey.
·???????Experience of utilising best-in-practice EX tools, which will affect improvements.
·???????A roadmap for continuous EX improvements.
You can discover more about our EX Audits via our website.
Mojo Matters
Our motivation platform is designed to drive productivity, boost wellbeing and build resilience. Here’s a testimonial from one of our happy customers:
Read more about mojo via the dedicated website.
Monetising the Employee Experience
This book, co-written by Mike Sharples and Nicholas Wardle, is a practical guide on how to build the case for investment in EX, how to achieve senior leadership buy-in, and the tools you’ll need to develop a winning culture.
A reviewer said:
"Clear, practical and accessible evidence and tools to prove ROI and the link between CX and EX for any business. We really shouldn’t still be arguing the link between CX and EX and why it matters to business success. But we are. This book should put the argument to bed for good!”
You can purchase your copy here.
EX Events
·???????21-23 November 2022
·???????Toronto and online
·???????Nicholas Wardle will be giving the keynote on 'The Employee Lifecycle: Creating Moments That Matter' and then later delivering a workshop on 'Creating a Motivational Employee Experience with a Hybrid Workforce'.
·???????14-15 March 2023
·???????NEC, Birmingham
·???????Nicholas Wardle will be delivering a session on: How to Design Effective Employee Experiences.
EXtra EXtra...
Just in case you missed them, here’s some recent thought leadership across our channels:
Mojo could've predicted the Ronaldo storm at Manchester United - you may think you know an employee's intrinsic motivations, but do you?
The war to retain talent is the bigger battle than the war to recruit talent – don't wait for someone to threaten to leave before you decide just how important they are!
The Employee Experience starts with YOU – from tiny acorns, mighty oaks grow...
Do you know the ROI of your employees? – it's more compelling than that of your customers