Exclusive Interviews with Master Coaches, Dr. Shiny Burcu Unsal, I Did It My Way [S.1-E.52/26]

Exclusive Interviews with Master Coaches, Dr. Shiny Burcu Unsal, I Did It My Way [S.1-E.52/26]

Senem Anataca: Among the many hats you wear, how do you define yourself?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: I am Shiny, the cosmic light that shines from within, which is why I chose this name. It’s not a nickname; I legally changed my name to Shiny to reflect my life purpose. I am light, but I am also a voice—a voice of courage, positivity, enthusiasm, and optimism that says, "You got this!"

Dr. Shiny Burcu Unsal

Senem Anataca: Wow! Your energy truly radiates that. Can you share something special, perhaps something not many people know about, even close friends?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: My childhood is full of stories, but one stands out—my American dream. My father was the youngest of 13 siblings, and his oldest brother, my uncle, lived in the U.S. He even graduated from MIT, and I still have his diploma. He would tell my brother and me stories of life in the U.S., how he overcame challenges, and how proud he was of his achievements. Those stories instilled in me a dream of living in the U.S. from a very young age. Today, I keep his diploma on my wall as one of my most treasured possessions, and it continues to inspire me.

Senem Anataca: What a touching story. I’m sure he’s proud of the legacy he passed on to you. Moving forward, what has been your biggest AHA! moment on your self-discovery journey?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: I call them my “Neuro-Shine Moments?”, and the most significant one came during my second Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) training in 2010. It was a pivotal moment that changed my life—learning how my mind works, understanding what I was doing wrong, and transforming my thinking patterns. That experience led me to become an NLP trainer and sparked my deep passion for understanding the mind.

Senem Anataca: What are your core values and life purpose, and how do they align with your coaching?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: My top value is energy, which is tied to my overall health, radiance and vitality. Health gives me the energy to pursue my dreams, so it's essential. But emotional energy is just as important—how I feel, how I show up, and the aura I create around me. If I’m not feeling my best, I won’t show up until I’m fully aligned and energized.

Another critical value is authenticity—staying true to who I am. This requires setting healthy boundaries and being clear on what's important to me. Authenticity is tied to self-expression, and it’s why my work, including the curriculum I created, Neuro-Shine Technology?, is all about living in alignment with one’s true self. This is at the heart of my coaching philosophy.

Senem Anataca: Your alignment shines through in this interview. Many coaches embark on their journeys through personal exploration rather than a business plan. Does that resonate with you? What were you seeking when you became a coach?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: I was searching for my truth. My story begins in childhood, where I often pondered my role as a guide for the world. I just received my PhD in metaphysics, diving deep into these questions. My curiosity about existence has always driven me, prompting me to explore not just this lifetime but the wisdom within our DNA. This journey led me to write my book, “You Are A Star! Shine!”, which emphasizes our cosmic origins.

My path was shaped by significant readings, starting with Neale Donald Walsch's “Conversations with God” at age 18, followed by an interest in NLP sparked by my brother's gift of an NLP book in 2003. It took six years for me to attend formal training, and the moment I received certification from Richard Bandler in 2010 was transformative. I was propelled by a desire to uncover who I was and what I was made of.

Dr. Shiny Burcu Unsal

Senem Anataca: That’s impressive. It resonates deeply. What was your biggest TA-DA! moment in coaching, and how did you overcome it? Did you celebrate it?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: In NLP, we believe there’s no failure, only feedback. I have experienced many challenges, but one that stands out occurred in 2017 when I attempted to launch my website. At that time, technology was less accessible, and I lost everything I had worked on right before launching a new training. I experienced a significant financial loss when a major contract fell through, totaling around $130,000 in one year. It took me two years to process that experience.

However, in 2019, I overcame these challenges and achieved financial success beyond my expectations. I not only cleared my debts but also purchased a condo in Miami during the pandemic. This journey taught me resilience and belief in myself, and I celebrate that growth every time I reflect on it.

Senem Anataca: What tools or methods did you use to overcome those obstacles?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: I utilized the NLP techniques that I teach to others. My goal is to be someone who not only teaches these principles but also lives by them.

Senem Anataca: What’s crucial here is allowing yourself the space and time to process experiences. Many people avoid facing their feelings until issues escalate. I’ve seen individuals quitting coaching early in their careers, thinking that with the initial boost of transformation, balance will never be lost again. But when that balance is disrupted, they panic and question their abilities, asking themselves, “Am I cut out for this? Should I quit?” Your insights are invaluable for our readers.

Shiny Burcu Unsal: Absolutely! I’d love to expand on that. Do you want me to go deeper into my story?

Senem Anataca: Yes, please! I’d love to hear more.

Shiny Burcu Unsal: Let me deepen the story for you. In 2017, my mom was with me because I was about to receive an award as one of the "40 Under 40 Most Influential Turkish Americans" in the U.S. I was heading to New York, supported by the Turkish community that had nominated me, and it was an incredible honor. Yet, I found myself overwhelmed with emotions. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I didn’t deserve this recognition. I even questioned whether I should go at all, as it felt so inauthentic.

My mom tried to comfort me, but my mind was racing with thoughts of how I could feel worthy of this moment. I had developed my online courses two years earlier using Kajabi, a platform I’m passionate about. At that time, it was primarily known for online courses, and I was searching for a way to validate my journey.

During my search, I came across Brendon Burchard, who I deeply admire and will always be grateful to for his influence on my life. He shared how he decided to invest in Kajabi, which was evolving into more than just an online course platform. As I absorbed his message, I felt a spark of inspiration.

That night, as I prepared to board a flight from Los Angeles, I couldn’t sleep. Instead, I dove into Kajabi, determined to create a website for myself. I realized that this was a crucial first step—something tangible to show for my journey. I sat down and built my new website, believing that if I had this platform, people could find me. It felt like a way to reclaim my worth and a step toward embracing the award I was about to receive.

Senem Anataca: That’s a lovely story of resilience. Let’s explore further. Among those you’ve coached, do you have an unforgettable case you'd like to share, with their consent, of course?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: Oh, I have many, but one stands out, and it’s about my mother. Before she began coaching with me around 2013, she was very dogmatic and never questioned anything—almost ignorant in a way. For instance, if I brought up a topic about religion, she would immediately shut it down.

In 2006, I experienced a profound loss when my father passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. I had just graduated from UCLA and was excited about my future, ready to start a new life. But then, everything changed. Losing my father devastated both me and my mother. For seven years, she was in a state of misery, feeling unworthy of joy—she wouldn’t even wear lipstick or smile.

Dr. Shiny Burcu Unsal

Senem Anataca: I can imagine this resonates deeply with many in our audience, especially in the Middle East, where cultural expectations weigh heavily.

Shiny Burcu Unsal: Exactly! She felt unworthy of happiness. During those seven years, I felt compelled to find a way to help her. I had started my coaching journey in 2010, and by 2013, I was ready to support her. I invited her to LA, eager to bring joy back into her life. I devised a playful approach to help her overcome her anxieties.

I made it a game: every time she experienced anxious thoughts about losing me, I encouraged her to visualize those thoughts as basketballs. With each encounter, she could “play” with those thoughts, reinforcing her control over her mind.

Senem Anataca: What a creative approach! How did she respond?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: She loved it! I have pictures from that day that bring me so much joy. It was the first time I could help my mom break free from her misery. I incorporated NLP techniques into our sessions, making them playful and engaging. Over time, she began to understand and apply these concepts in her life, even referring to them as she transformed.

As a retired teacher, she valued learning, and I took her to the UCLA campus where I teach leadership communication strategies. She was amazed to see who I had become and what I was doing. This visit was transformative for her.

She realized that her daughter was no longer the anxious woman she had left in Istanbul but someone who was thriving. Now, she’s my number one student, attending every training I conduct in Istanbul. Even now, whenever we talk, I continue to coach her.

After ten years, she has become my best coach, helping me as much as I help her.

Senem Anataca: Wow, what an incredible transformation story! As we know from our training, the mother-daughter relationship can be one of the hardest to navigate. This healing process is valuable from so many perspectives. Before we move on to the next question, I’d love for you to share your fourth and fifth core values.

Shiny Burcu Unsal: My fourth value is success. As an ENTJ, or “Commander,” achievement is a game for me. I thrive on setting goals and accomplishing them. This passion drives me, especially after the experience I shared about creating my website. I’ve built every part of it myself, mastering the platform, and that gives me immense satisfaction. For me, success and goal achievement are intertwined.

Seeing my students succeed is equally important; their achievements directly reflect my success as a coach and trainer. It motivates me to do everything in my power to help them thrive in their careers.

The fifth value is creativity. My background is in marketing and advertising, with a decade spent at prominent agencies in Los Angeles, like Ken Erickson, Ogilvy, and Saatchi & Saatchi. My very first client at 21 was Coca-Cola. Throughout my career, I’ve always valued creativity, even in an industry that can be quite toxic in terms of relationships. However, it’s also deeply satisfying for creative thinkers.

Creativity fuels my work in developing online courses and websites, enabling me to offer innovative solutions to those I serve.

Senem Anataca: It’s amazing how all your values connect: health, energy, authenticity, success, and creativity. Fantastic! As a master coach, what do you think new coaches often overlook?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: Ah, this brings up another lesson from my journey that I share with my new coaches. When I underwent my coach training, I wasn’t taught the distinctions between ACC, PCC, and MCC levels. I was aiming for my MCC, yet my mentor coach didn’t highlight these differences either. Now, it’s readily available information on the ICF website, but I was completely unaware at the time.

For two and a half years, I faced relentless feedback on my coaching recordings, which led to frustration. I invested thousands of dollars in private mentorship but struggled to grasp what was expected at the MCC level. This experience is deeply connected to my value of success and my sense of creativity.

Now, I’ve created the Neuro Shine Technology coaching curriculum so that new coaches won’t have to unlearn anything. I teach everything at the master level from the outset. There are significant differences between ACC and PCC, and I don’t want my students to face the same struggles I did. I want them to succeed without the unnecessary hurdles I encountered.

Senem Anataca: So, you want them to apply directly for MCC?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: While it's not feasible for everyone in today's world, I ensure they are prepared with the skills necessary to aim for the highest-level right from the start. I won't let my students experience those challenges under my guidance; they’ll be trained at the master level.

Senem Anataca: If you complete this sentence: "If a coach aims to be a successful master coach, then it is a must ________?"

Shiny Burcu Unsal: ...to go through my Neuro-Shine? curriculum.

Senem Anataca: That’s great! You’ve mentioned several resources, but can you share more? Books, podcasts, songs, movies, LinkedIn profiles—anything that inspires you?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: Absolutely! To challenge their thinking, I recommend starting with “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch. It’s an old classic but remains incredibly relevant. Another essential read is “The Structure of Magic” series by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, which dives into the power of language. And of course, “Unleash the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins is a must-read—it's all about awakening the giant within us.

I’m also fascinated by quantum physics, and Michio Kaku is my go-to expert in that field. His book “Quantum Supremacy” is particularly enlightening. Additionally, Brendon Burchard’s “High Performance Habits” is vital for anyone looking to understand human behavior and habits deeply.

For something more spiritual yet practical, “Buddha and the Badass” by Vishen Lakhiani beautifully merges spirituality with high performance.

As for movies, “The Matrix” is a must-watch! It explores the concept of breaking free from societal programming and aligns perfectly with neuro-linguistic programming principles.

I also highly recommend the documentary “Lucy”; it encapsulates concepts about the universe and consciousness in a truly fascinating way.

And “Inside Out” is a brilliant depiction of emotions and how they influence our behavior. It’s a fantastic exploration of what goes on in our minds!

For apps, I suggest checking out Brendon’s Growth app, Vishen Lakhiani’s Mind Valley, and Gaia, which offers content on a wide range of topics, including metaphysics and sacred geometry.

Lastly, I’m a big fan of Gene Keys by Richard Rudd. It integrates human design, astrology, and the genetics of our being, providing profound insights into our nature. Creating a free profile on Gene Keys will give you a unique perspective on yourself and is a game-changer for personal growth.

Senem Anataca: That sounds like an incredible resource! I’m excited to check it out.

Shiny Burcu Unsal: You’re welcome! Anything I can share to help others delve deeper into their own journeys is what I’m all about. I’ve done Gene Keys profiles for my mom, my team, and my faculty because understanding ourselves better helps us grow.

Senem Anataca: Looking ahead, five years down the line, what do you envision celebrating about your life?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: It may not even take that long! I hope to be celebrating having trained at least 21 coaches who are teaching Neuro-Shine Technology? and assisting others with their ICF credentials. I’m already well on my way, with five trainers in place.

Senem Anataca: We’ll send that intention out to the universe! When your life story is complete, what should the title of your book be?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: I’d call it “I Did It My Way”, inspired by the Frank Sinatra song.

Senem Anataca: That’s a powerful title! Lastly, what do you think about “Authentic Coach’s Bold Corner”?

Shiny Burcu Unsal: Thousands of subscribers show that you’ve created something meaningful. Your communication style and the thoughtful way you’ve managed this process speak volumes. I truly appreciate the effort you put into this work, and I celebrate you for using AI and striving for excellence. Your deep purpose shines through, and it's inspiring.

Senem Anataca: Thank you so much! Everything you've shared resonates with me. I feel like I’ve seen this journey through your eyes. You are bold and authentic, which is why I’m thrilled to have you as my first MCC interviewee who I do not know personally. I felt a strong pull to have this conversation, and I’m grateful for its richness. I’m sure our readers will enjoy it!


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