Exclusive Cigna Case Study: How to leapfrog digital CX innovation beyond the status quo
Reuters Events Marketing & CX
Devoted to helping large corporations serve their customers better. (Formerly Incite Group)
Katya Andresen, Chief Digital & Analytics Officer at Cigna, an American-managed healthcare and insurance company, has spent the past six years trying to bring CX and digital innovation to banking and healthcare. Important work, in her view, because aside from love, community and human relationships, health (physical and mental) and finances are two additional fundamental needs. “If one of those first three things is going wrong, then the other two start to go wrong too,” she said. Yet very often, these industries are characterized by form filling, transactions and red tape, rather than the hubs of innovation they could be.
"If we try to bring digital innovation to the status quo, we are not going to make a difference"
As Andresen explained, in the fragmented healthcare environment, on the one hand, attempts to disrupt the sector have all too often been “Scotch-taped together”. On the other, numerous solutions have emerged, even though nobody “needs an app for every body part”.
In short, her lesson was this: “If we try to bring digital innovation to the status quo, we are not going to make a difference.”
Speaking in a Day 1 general session, Andresen outlined the three stages of innovation as:
Lessons in Leapfrogging to True Disruption
Everybody may want to leapfrog over better digitization of the status quo, but the reality, Andresen said, is that “it’s very hard to do inside your existing business model”. It also isn’t linear, she said, and from her experience, these are the lessons.
This case study is part of a wider industry report brought to you by Reuters Events - 'Customer Service & Experience: Unlocking a Billion-Dollar Opportunity'. Access more insights and strategies in the full report here!
Josh Wheeler (He/Him)
Strategic Director
Reuters Events