Exclusion on LinkedIn
Most posts come from second degree connections where a first degree connection likes or comments. Sometimes I would like to interject and the original poster set it so only their connections can comment.
This is not antisocial media. If you only want to talk to your bubble in your safe space? Don't post. There are times when comments are disabled. That is frustrating yet understandable.
If someone is going to exclude hundreds of millions from their conversations they need to realize they are cowardly and there is no good reason to connect with them. Just like my father after the divorce he said terrible, horrific things and before I could defend myself he said "I don't want to argue."
That's all he wanted to do. If you don't want to elicit an opinion, don't make a statement. Build a bridge. Do not erect walls. What if I wanted to agree with you? It is important to curate your feed. You cannot say "Only my real friends can comment." Soon you will learn who your friends actually are.
People like that end up on the scrap heap of life. Sometimes I look at previous articles and see what had to be the first comment from someone who has cultivated a long, successful relationship. It is nice revisiting the ground floor.
Think of it like a rookie card or baby pictures. The relationships that go both ways are the most important. If someone says "I talk and you listen" there is no equality. With no exchange of ideas there will be no growth and people like that show their true selves. Find someone who wants to cultivate a dialogue. You might actually learn something and feel better about life.
Especially since the user can start their own group so it doesn't make sense does it?