Exclude store listing pages from PMax campaigns
AI-powered analytics platform for eCommerce businesses. Discover personalized insights to maximize your revenue.
Stop wasting ads on store listings, and direct PMax traffic to products that sell online.
Reminder: Performance Max displays pages from the feed you provide when the customer is closest to making a purchase, aiming to drive conversions.
However, PMax may not always perform by its intended principle, as it sometimes struggles to assess the value of specific pages.
For instance, if your brand operates both physical and online stores, PMax might drive traffic to your store pages instead of focusing solely on conversions. This is a common issue for brands with physical locations when running PMax.
As a result, you might find it challenging to accurately measure campaign performance because the traffic driven by Performance Max may not lead to sales.
It's important to review the pages receiving clicks without conversions and check whether your store listing page is among them.
If you wish to continue driving traffic to your store listing page, create a separate campaign, allowing for better campaign performance measurement.
You might consider setting up a dedicated PMax campaign for this store listing page. But before doing so, you must exclude this page from your existing PMax campaigns.
How do you exclude your store listing page from PMax?
Make sure the updates from the Merchant Center are reflected in your Google Ads account. You can confirm this by checking the product details in Google Ads to see if they align with the revised feed. If discrepancies are found, use the "Fetch now" feature in Google Merchant Center or synchronize the data manually.
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