Exciting valorisation stories, start-up news, funding opportunity and workshops!
IXA - Innovation Exchange Amsterdam
IXA is the joint knowledge transfer office for researchers from HvA, UvA, VU & Amsterdam UMC. Pls follow #valorisation!
Hello all, in the mid-winter of January we are happy to share an inspiring collaboration in medical education, and tell you what's happening with our very own Amsterdam based start-ups, highlights in funding - the NWO Demonstrator Grant (spread the word!) and IXA has new workshops available for researchers curious to create impact.
New exciting collaboration
Amsterdam start-up news
Funding news for Alzheimer's treatment
NWO Call open: funding for developing a demonstrator
The 'Demonstrator 2024' call is now open for applications up to 19 March 2024. This call offers researchers the chance to make results from their research attractive to the market. With a developed demonstrator, investors can estimate the (commercial) potential. A total of 1 million euros is available, 160 thousand per project. The deadline for submitting applications is Tuesday 19 March 2024.
IXA workshops available this winter/spring
As of January running to April 2024, IXA will offer a new learning path on getting involved in valorisation and creating impact. The objective? To inspire you and make you aware of the power that comes with creating value and impact through your research. Especially suitable for late phase PhD students and postdocs. The contents are modular and tailored to your specific needs. Sign up now! Learning Path Valorisation and Impact - Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (ixa.nl)
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