Exciting Updates Coming in ReqWeb WAF v1.3: A Fresh Dashboard UI and More!
Tanaka Chinengundu
python | Vuejs | MySQL | Linux | API integration | Nodejs | JavaScript | AWS | Qt | Cybersecurity Researcher | Consultant | Software engineer | Digital forensics
The next version of ReqWeb WAF (v1.3) is around the corner, and we’re thrilled to share what we’ve been working on. This release focuses on improving usability, visibility, and overall control for administrators managing web application security. Let’s talk about the highlights of this release, including the redesigned Dashboard UI and additional enhancements.
Introducing the All New Dashboard UI
We’ve completely reimagined the user experience with a sleek and modern dashboard design. The goal? To make monitoring, analyzing, and managing your application’s security faster and easier.
Here’s what to look forward to:
Configuration Management Made Easy
We’ve enhanced the Configuration section to make managing WAF rules intuitive. The form now automatically fetches existing configurations and populates the fields when you load the page. Updating IP filtering rules, request blocking patterns, and logging settings is seamless and takes only a few clicks.
Here’s a quick look at what you can configure in v1.3:
Saving changes? One click, and it’s done no hassle!
What’s Next?
As we release ReqWeb WAF v1.3, we remain committed to delivering powerful and easy to use security tools for your web applications. Our next steps include:
Stay Tuned!
The ReqWeb WAF v1.3 release is scheduled to roll out soon, and we can’t wait for you to experience the new improvements. As always, we value your feedback let us know how the new dashboard and features are helping you keep your applications secure!