Exciting News from Microsoft Ignite 2021
Microsoft Corp.

Exciting News from Microsoft Ignite 2021

Tons of news coming from Microsoft Ignite, which has been held online this year due to the pandemic. You can check all of them HERE.

I am summarizing below the ones I found interesting the most, according to my area of work:

  • Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services: Microsoft industry clouds will soon be available to power the financial services, such as Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services empowers financial institutions to accelerate innovation while meeting strict industry compliance requirements.
  • New Azure Migrate Azure PowerShell: The new Azure Migrate Azure PowerShell module is now available in preview. Azure Migrate Azure PowerShell has added support for the Server Migration tool’s agentless method of migrating VMware VMs to Azure. Customers can now configure and manage replication of servers to Azure and migrate them to Azure VMs using Azure PowerShell cmdlets in an automated, repeatable manner.
  • Windows Server 2022: Now available in preview.
  • Microsoft Power Automate Desktop: Which offers robotic process automation (RPA) capabilities that easily automate time-consuming manual work, will be available to Windows 10 users at no additional cost.
  • Power Platform: Is introducing features that enable IT pros to implement enhanced governance and security for low-code tools and automation.
  • Teams Multigeo Support: To be generally available in the first half of this calendar year. Multigeo support for Teams data will give multinational organizations greater control over the location of specific data centers where their Teams data is stored, down to the team and user level. Similar to the multigeo capabilities available to customers with Exchange Online and SharePoint Online, this update helps organizations meet specific data compliance and regulatory standards in certain countries and in highly regulated industries.
  • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Conditional Access: Now in public preview. Azure AD Conditional Access enables customers to configure and fine-tune their access policies with factors such as user, device, location and real-time risk information to control what a specific user can access, as well as when and how they can access it.
  • FastTrack for Azure: A technical enablement program that helps with deployment of cloud solutions, now offers new services: 1) Accelerating production deployments for cloud native applications so customers can receive deployment best practices for Kubernetes, OpenShift, serverless and event-driven workloads; and 2) Support for Hybrid/Azure Arc deployments starting with servers.

