Exciting news from AMC
New Community, New Website, New Research
At AMC we are passionate about great leadership, equality and creating safe workplaces, but we are also extremely passionate about women! We wanted to create a space speci?cally for women and to deal with the challenges women face in both a personal and professional environment. So we have created a new side to our business
- Women of our Time. To kick start this new venture we are conducting new research that we would really appreciate your insight on.
Women Of Our Time (WOOT) is our global community speci?cally for women which arose from our desire to create real change in the gender landscape and to help one million women have the freedom to breathe.
This is the guiding purpose that drives the values of our consultancy.
A community to provide a place where like-minded women, of any age, background, experience, roles, and sectors can ?nd help, support, inspiration, con?dence, knowledge,
Our aim is to create an environment where you can be who you are and ?nd out who you want to become. A community that harnesses the core power of all women and the common challenges we face but recognises that we all have a di?erent story and no one size solution ?ts all.
check us out ?www.womenofourtime.co.uk
?A core value of WOOT is that it provides a psychologically safe environment where all the women in the community know it is a safe and trusted environment where everyone is supportive of each other. In order for our voices as women to be heard and for us to have collective power to make changes we have to ensure that as women we all do the best for each other and are not the people causing other women problems.
Women working together can make massive changes, but the uncomfortable truth is that often it is women.
As part of this commitment, we are starting our next research project to help us inform what this looks like in real life by gathering your insights, experiences, and ideas. We have put together a small number of questions that we would love your insights
A simple form shouldn't take too long! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSegKxMUlJgp3_dy5ocSlz7RYX5ASAW7osw5r4DbfPlleYc5MA/viewform