Excitations in Twisted Bilayer Graphene

Excitations in Twisted Bilayer Graphene

Twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) can exhibit vastly different properties than those of single layers of graphene, especially when the two layers are rotated relative to each other by a small angle of approximately 1 degree. Investigating and probing these properties could be highly valuable, as it could ultimately enhance the current understanding of superconductivity and facilitate its use for the development of new devices. In this study s-SNOM investigation of TBG allows the spatial probing of interaction effects at the nanoscale and potentially elucidates the contribution of collective excitations to many-body ground states.

"As twisted graphene structures form a class of materials hosting many fascinating phenomena, we basically just have started the journey," says Prof. Koppens, the leader of the study. "We now aim to access the correlated states at cryogenic temperatures.

cryo s-SNOM technology sensitivity to the electronic properties of TBG could potentially point at the physical mechanisms of the superconducting and magnetic phenomena.

This measurement was realized with the cryo-neaSCOPE+xs.

