Exchange Invest Weekly Saturday, May 22nd

Exchange Invest Weekly Saturday, May 22nd

Exchange Invest is a unique information resource combining the day’s stories in a newsletter for investors in exchanges/financial markets infrastructure.

Exchange Invest was founded by former exchange CEO and author of the first bestselling book of fintech ("Capital Market Revolution!" FT 1999) Patrick L Young. Monday through Friday our daily paid subscriber email discusses the business of bourses of all kinds across the world.

This weekly edition is a magazine of broader macro topics as well as including our free weekly podcast which reviews the highlights of the week in the world's market structure.

For a free trial to Exchange Invest Daily, send me a message.

On this day in 1991 – Solomon Brothers trader Paul Mozer attempted to corner the U.S. Treasury market, illegally placing orders and buying 90% of the bills in the $12.26 billion auctions. The result would lead to a massive crisis at Solomon, turning Warren Buffett into its temporary chairman and nearly ruining the company. No one knew what Mozer had done until much later. However, newspapers reported strong demand for the bond auction. One trader described the auction as a “Very unusual auction” and that there seemed to be an “Isolated source of demand” for the securities. Little did they know, a rogue trader at the most infamous investment bank in Wall Street had broken the law.

Big World

From EI 2054, Wednesday 19th May:

“The quirks of the Western Sahara (a former Spanish territory claimed by Morocco but occupied in part by separatists) have been evident across the Spanish territories of Ceuta and Melilla this week due to a hospital bed. Said bed is occupied by Brahim Ghali, the leader of the Western Sahara's Polisario Front who got there via a pseudonymous entry to Spain. Seemingly Madrid authorities were aware of his arrival. A furious Moroccan government perceiving Spain supporting separatism (oh the Catalan irony) have thus left their sides of the border unguarded leading to thousands attempting to land in the Spanish territories to the south of Gibraltar, (Children Among 6,000 Migrants In Desperate Swim From Morocco To Spanish Enclave).”

This Tuesday - Season Six of IPO-VID

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Series 6 Episode 3 - IPO-VID Livestream 033

At The Sharp End of Prediction Markets

Flip Pidot is the founder and managing director of Sharp Square Capital, LLC, an alternative investment management firm specializing in event futures. For over a decade, Flip has been involved in the development, operation, and evangelism of political event markets, as head of American Civics Exchange, producer of the prediction market content network, and market curator at PredictIt.

Previously, Flip worked as an investment analyst for Boyar Asset Management and a Certified Fraud Examiner for Arthur Andersen. A graduate of Notre Dame (BA, economics) and UVA's Darden School (MBA), Flip also holds a Series 3 license and is a CFA Charterholder.

Watch the LiveStream on:

Now Online - Season Six of IPO-VID

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Series 6 Episode 2 - IPO-VID Livestream 032

Towards A Digital Market Profile

The author of “Candlestick Charts” (Harriman House 2009), Clive Lambert has over 30 years of market experience including a decade on the LIFFE Floor. He has run his private technical analysis service Futurestechs since 2000AD.

Clive is Vice-Chairman of the UK Society of Technical Analysts and European Vice President of IFTA, the International Federation of Technical Analysts. Clive has appeared on CNBC and, Reuters TV amongst other media and is widely quoted on newswires.

Watch the LiveStream on:

EI Weekly Podcast 095

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The Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast 095

A load of hot air? Emissions of value again in London as Coinbase’s results cannot stifle an accelerating stock slide.

Victory Or Death

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COVID-19 is a killer, can it kill your career, or is that the impact of fintech destroying your business? It's a "Victory or Death" world of risk and opportunity…

20 years on from the first fintech bestseller “Capital Market Revolution!"... "Victory Or Death" is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and FinTech as part of the whole future of finance. Available worldwide.

Macro Thoughts

Galaxy Digital: Bitcoin Consumes Less Energy Than Banking and Gold



Sweden, Covid And Lockdown – A Look At The Data


How Much Credit Does The NHS Deserve For The Covid Vaccine Rollout?


Of Interest

How A $1 Part Broke The World


These days, microchips—not heavy-duty materials—make the world go round.

China Wants Disruptive Chip Tech To Prepare For Moore’s Law Demise

South China Morning Post

Non-Professionals Likely To Be Permitted To Design Small Buildings

Loop News Jamaica

Comparatively the only thing giving these kinds of returns is the Jamaica Stock Exchange (which is experiencing a downturn) and US exchanges.

Zoy Exposes Dark Underbelly Of China’s US$11 Trillion Stock Market

South China Morning Post

Developers Flee Open Source Project After 'Takeover' By Korean Crown Prince


Last Word

Catch up Monday for Exchange Invest 2058...

the future continues in the water cooler for the bourse business...



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