Exchange Invest Weekend Edition 2511: B Corp Bye Bye?

Exchange Invest Weekend Edition 2511: B Corp Bye Bye?

B Corps, FTX, Number Plate Theft, the greatest President, the Jewish Taliban and the Horrible Curse of Anti-Growth Safetyism.

On this day in 2016, Zagrebacka Burza d.d and Estonian company Funderbeam Ventures established Croatia-based company Funderbeam South-East Europe d.o.o.

Exchange Invest is a unique information resource combining the day’s stories in a newsletter for investors in exchanges/financial markets infrastructure.

Exchange Invest was founded by former exchange CEO and author of the first bestselling book of fintech (“Capital Market Revolution!” FT 1999) Patrick L Young. Monday through Friday our daily paid subscriber email discusses the business of bourses of all kinds across the world.

This weekly edition is a magazine of broader macro topics as well as including our free weekly podcast which reviews the highlights of the week in the world’s market structure.

Parish Notes

Visualized: FTX’s Leaked Balance Sheet

Visual Capitalist

PLY: Or for those who prefer it as a brief story, this gem sprang off the page in the initial report of the liquidator restructuring FTX (…well probably killing it off after a few viable assets are sold…) who noted:

“The Debtors did not have the type of disbursement controls that I believe are appropriate for a business enterprise. For example, employees of the FTX Group submitted payment requests through an on-line ‘chat’ platform where a disparate group of supervisors approved disbursements by responding with personalized emojis.”

The rest of the week’s FTX news can be found in our subscriber daily…and yes if we do say so ourselves, we managed to stay rather ahead of the curve once again this week…

In BigWorld

From Exchange Invest 2510: November 18th, Friday:

The latest UK budget, now we’re back to having socialist technocrats in office amounts to:

“Govt to Entrepreneurs, Investors, Wealth Creators, anyone with aspiration & the sundry Successful:

Drop dead.”



Season 15: Episode 01: IPO-VID Livestream 085

November 22nd: 1800 UK, 1900 CET, 1300?EST

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“Brendan Bradley: Evolving Markets, Evolving Careers”

Brendan has been in financial markets for 35 years and is one of the world’s finest Product Developers, having played a major role in the development cycles of LIFFE, DTB and EUREX.

In his last major corporate role he was an Executive Board member and Chief Innovation Officer at Eurex (part of Deutsche Boerse Group), where he was responsible for championing and “brokering” new ideas, both internally and externally, and looking for new opportunities within the changing market environment, either organically or through investments, particularly in the related FinTech space.

Actively involved in backing/mentoring/advising FinTech firms, Brendan is an MBA lecturer on FinTech strategy at the University of East London, co-author of FinTech for Dummies and author of ESG Investing for Dummies.

Watch the stream on:





Season 14: Episode 06: IPO-VID Livestream 084:

November 15th: 1800 UK, 1900 CET, 1300?EST

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“Alessandro Hatami Reinventing Banking”

Alessandro E. Hatami is the founder and managing partner of advisory firm, specialising in driving digital transformation in banking organisations.

He has more than 15 years experience including as COO of Digital Banking and Group Innovation Director at Lloyds Banking Group, Director of Large Merchant Services at PayPal UK and MD of

Alessandro is a Non Executive Director of Cashplus Bank while mentoring and investing in FinTech start-ups.

Watch the stream on:





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In IPO-VID Episode 075: Patrick Young was joined by Options Solutions President and COO, Steven Sears.

Listen to this fabulous discussion about “Developing Options”



Google Podcasts

Apple Podcast



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Even by late last week, the FTX black hole had already reached 32 times the $250 million SBF reckoned was more than sufficient to cover his wonderful new model CCP

With a balance sheet fiction? Lawyers are circling FTX

And of course, that most damning cut of all Fashionistas dumping FTX’s foundation

There’s been no armistice day let up for the bitcarnage.

The Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast 170

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Victory Or?Death

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20 years on from the first fintech bestseller “Capital Market Revolution!”… “Victory Or Death” is a must read book for anyone interested in the intersection of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and FinTech as part of the whole future of finance.

Available worldwide.

Podcasts This?Week

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo At ICE’s Fixed Income Forum

Inside the ICE House

Macro Thoughts

Is Nixon The Most Misunderstood President In History?

The Spectator

PLY: Arguably the greatest President in parish history, for some reason this raises eyebrows when I point it out during presentations… after all his liberalisation of stock commissions following on from the US departing the gold standard led to the biggest expansion of financial markets in history, particularly across derivatives products. We have much to praise Richard Milhous Nixon for as I discussed in my book “Victory or Death.”

Breaking the Bank in Monte Carlo (Part?6)

Part 1: EI 2451 22nd September 2022

Part 2: EI 2487 22nd October 2022

Part 3: EI 2493 29th November 2022

Part 4: EI 2499 5th November 2022

Part 5: EI 2505 11th November 2022

On the men who broke the bank in Monte Carlo

William “Bill” Nelson Darnborough (1869–1958), was an American gambler from Bloomington, Illinois, known for his success in roulette at Monte Carlo from 1904 to 1911. During that period he amassed a fortune of $415,000 (circa $13 million today). On perhaps his hottest streak, Darnborough bet on the number 5 and won on five successive spins.

Of Interest

As always, a review of interesting reading to provoke thoughts and consideration… Not sure we agree with much of it….but it’s thought-provoking!

China Yuan’s Long-Term Strengthening Trend Will Not Change

Time For A U-Turn On “B Corps”?

The Critic Magazine

The Bizarre Story Of The ‘Jewish Taliban’

The Spectator

Anti-Growth Safetyism

Works in Progress

If you take this seriously, it implies that two percentage points have been knocked off growth every year by the sheer amount of regulation. Due to the nature of compounded growth, the median household would have $185,000 if we did have an extra two percentage points for just over half a century.

Holy Illusions

Policy Exchange

Why Thieves Are After Your Number Plates

The Spectator

Last Word

…If you want to stay abreast of the world of exchanges then please Subscribe to our Daily Newsletter — free 30 day trial.

Or Subscribe to our Weekend Edition — it’s free.

You can also check out the “Reflections From Young’s Pyramid”, it illustrates the relative value of exchanges around the world.

Or the “ICE Cost of Borrowing 2020–2022” An Interest Rate Comparison, which illustrates the end of the funny money era of QE and how interest rates have already had a major lurch up from their previous region of zero to, even negative, levels.

At the least can you like this article, or leave us a comment, we welcome your feedback.




If you enjoy our multimedia, then please Like / Subscribe to our video channel: IPO-VID In Patrick’s Opinion.

Catch up on Monday for Exchange Invest 2512.

The future continues in the water cooler of the bourse business, Monday…



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