Exchange Invest Weekend: 6th Nov.
Exchange Invest is a unique information resource combining the day’s stories in a newsletter for investors in exchanges/financial markets infrastructure.
Exchange Invest was founded by former exchange CEO and author of the first bestselling book of fintech (“Capital Market Revolution!” FT 1999) Patrick L Young. Monday through Friday our daily paid subscriber email discusses the business of bourses of all kinds across the world.
This weekly edition is a magazine of broader macro topics as well as including our free weekly podcast which reviews the highlights of the week in the world’s market structure.
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On this day in 1907, the end of The Panic of 1907 – also known as the 1907 Bankers' Panic or Knickerbocker Crisis.
In BigWorld
From Exchange Invest 2195: 2nd, November 2021: Tuesday
Reuters notes that Emirates are stripping their first-ever A380 for furniture, memorabilia as the plane goes out of service, a commercial debacle finally finished by the Covid downturn. Does anybody else see this as a metaphor? A vastly subsidised multinational project that just kept leaden footedly pushing for a larger master plan has ended up proving redundant within a decade as the preference is for smaller more nimble entities.
Season 8: Episode 3—?IPO-VID Livestream?045
IPO-VID Guest:?Ivana Ga?i?
Tuesday, November 9th: 1800 UK, 1900 CET, 1300 EST
"Inside the Zagreb Stock Exchange"
Ivana Ga?i? is the President of the Management Board of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, the lead developer of the capital market in the region.
Ivana started her career in 1998 at Pliva Plc. where she served until 2003 as a Head of Capital Market Operations going on to work for several local banks. Since May 2010 she has been running the Zagreb Stock Exchange.
She is the President of the Supervisory Board of the SEE LINK Skopje, a legal entity founded in 2014 with the aim to establish a regional order routing service between Bulgaria, Macedonia and Zagreb Stock Exchange. Following the Ljubljana Stock Exchange acquisition in late 2015, she is also the president of its Supervisory Board. Ivana is also a member of the Council of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency.
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Season 8: Episode 2—?IPO-VID Livestream?044
IPO-VID Guest:?Peter Lenardos
Tuesday, November 2nd: 1800 UK, 1900 CET, 1300 EST
"The C Suite Speaks"
Peter K. Lenardos is CFO of global market making & prop trading firm OSTC Group Holdings Ltd. Peter also sits on the board of directors of both OSTC Group Holdings and NYSE-listed SPAC World Quantum Growth Acquisition Corp, chaired by former LSEG CEO Xavier Rolet KBE. Previously, Peter served as CFO & later CEO of Cinnober Financial Technology AB. Prior to Cinnober, was in investment banking from 2001-2018 and became well known for his views on the global market infrastructure sector.
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Episode 20:?“Building Brexit Britain: The Legal opportunity”?
In IPO-VID Podcast Episode 20:?I was joined by: Barney Reynolds discussing “Building Brexit Briain: The Legal Opportunity”- enjoy!
Available via all the usual podcast sources:
CME results continue to disappoint as Hong Kong Exchanges have a record nine months spell and mudstone welter of results while SETL makes their DLT tech open source. ICE on the other hand was awesome revisited.
Victory Or?Death
20 years on from the first fintech bestseller “Capital Market Revolution!"... "Victory Or Death" is a must-read book for anyone interested in the intersection of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and FinTech as part of the whole future of finance.
Macro Thoughts
City A.M.
PLY: As noted 18 months ago, the health state bureaucracy have adopted a suicidal lockdown strategy which has badly affected economies, hugely impacted mental health and all proven a waste of time.
Note to those who still believe in the blob: Sorry you have Stockholm Syndrome.
Footnote to those who have had serious Covid: I am truly sorry and wouldn’t wish any disease on anybody BUT the simple statistical reality is, the lockdown approach didn’t do much good on the disease front and holistically has been horrible for the macro of society and the economy.
Not that anybody is likely to be held accountable for their incompetence / hysteria, alas.
Of Interest
PLY: A very coherent note on the catastrophist stupidity of extreme (and broadly unfeasible) outcomes becoming a benchmark thanks to a cabal of idiot politicians, scaremongering media and NGOs eager to provoke income through public desperation. There’s a climate change story (perhaps cyclical) to be discussed. A coherent approach to being good to nature is common sense. This article addresses the out of control elements of what began as a sensible narrative.
HuffPost UK
City A.M.
MP Tom Tugendhat raises sound questions over the apparatus of the state which is incoherent pretty much everywhere.
But curiosity seekers will nonetheless be drawn to watch Australian computer scientist Craig Wright, the self-described inventor of Bitcoin defend himself against claims that he swindled the estate of a deceased Florida man of its share of some $65 billion of the peer-to-peer currency and intellectual property related to blockchain technology worth billions of dollars more.
Last Word
Catch up Monday for Exchange Invest 2200...
the future continues in the water cooler for the bourse business...