Exchange Invest Weekend: 5th March

Exchange Invest Weekend: 5th March

Exchange Invest is a unique information resource combining the day’s stories in a newsletter for investors in exchanges/financial markets infrastructure.

Exchange Invest was founded by former exchange CEO and author of the first bestselling book of fintech (“Capital Market Revolution!” FT 1999) Patrick L Young. Monday through Friday our daily paid subscriber email discusses the business of bourses of all kinds across the world.

This weekly edition is a magazine of broader macro topics as well as including our free weekly podcast which reviews the highlights of the week in the world’s market structure.

For a free trial to Exchange Invest Daily, send me a message.

On this day in 2012, the Institute of International Finance, the group representing private creditors in talks on Greek debt, said a dozen banks, insurers and investment funds holding Greece's bonds would participate in a massive debt relief plan for the country.

In BigWorld

From Exchange Invest 2287: 28th, February 2022: Monday

An interesting side effect - a burning bump in the carpet risk if you will - has emerged from the news about the Felicity Ace, a Ro-Ro automobile cargo ship which has been blazing furiously in the Atlantic near the Azores for a week. The US-bound shipment including a vast array of VW group vehicles including some mouthwatering machines with 189 Bentleys and 1100 Porsches amongst the 3965 cars aboard. The cargo was estimated at up to $500 million in shipment value.

The biggest issue for fire crews has been the EV element - once alight, car batteries are difficult to douse, presenting a new paradigm of danger for automotive shipping, not apparent in the pure internal combustion era…



Season 10: Episode 3—?IPO-VID Livestream?057

IPO-VID Guests: Nigel Feetham

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Tuesday, February 22nd: 1800 UK, 1900 CET, 1300 EST

"Nigel Feetham - FinTech Renaissance Man"

Nigel Feetham QC is a barrister, the Head of Financial Services and a senior partner of the leading Gibraltar law firm Hassans. He has served on the Decision Making Committee (an independent statutory committee of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission) as well as having been a non-executive member of the Board of the GFSC.

He has been actively involved in various strands of fintech and is a leading expert on protected cell company structures and more broadly the insurance sector. Nigel has also published several law books and was formerly a visiting professor of law at a U.K. university.





Episode 37: “The Word from Subscriber #1"

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In IPO-VID Episode 37: Patrick L Young was joined by Exchange Invest subscriber #1, certified bioscientist, LSEG group head of securities trading & Turquoise Global Holdings Group CEO, Robert Barnes discussed the markets, Brexit, CCP & more…

Available via all the usual podcast sources:

Anchor??Spotify??Google Podcasts??Apple Podcast


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Indian stocks now settle on a T+1 cycle while Indian scandals are settling on T+ forever as the Holy Hoax colo scandal rages on…

The Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast 134

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Victory Or?Death

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20 years on from the first fintech bestseller “Capital Market Revolution!"... "Victory Or Death" is a must-read book for anyone interested in the intersection of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and FinTech as part of the whole future of finance.

Available worldwide.

Podcasts This Week

Episode 19: Growing China's Derivatives Market


Parish Notes

Investment continues apace in Exchange Invest and of course, all revenues are appreciated to help grow the coffers delivering this unique service about the exchange parish. I am delighted to report this week that the good folks of?Sinara have joined as a sponsor - their services have long been a vital component to many derivatives exchanges and it’s great to have them joining our portfolio of sponsors and group subscribers.

Macro Thoughts

The 50 Minerals Critical To U.S. Security

Visual Capitalist


PLY: A cheery if chilling note, some academics have just told us that apparently the Black Death might not have killed anything like as many people as was first thought. The fact it has taken the blob 600 years to discover/reveal this makes me wonder how many centuries it may be before various governments admit Covid wasn’t remotely as dangerous overall as they tried to convince us?

Of Interest

As always, a review of interesting reading to provoke thoughts and consideration…

For Young And Posh Collectors, NFT Is The New Rolex?

South China Morning Post

Ukraine Is Winning The Online War


Lesson In Courage Of Mao-Nixon Detente Ignored With Putin's War Choice In Ukraine

South China Morning Post

They Were Jailed For Hacking An Exchange. Blockchain Data Cleared Them


Nigeria Exits IMB's Piracy List As Sao Tome, Others Now Lead

Vanguard News

SAO Tome and Principe, Gabon , Benin and four other African countries led the sailors kidnap chart of the International Maritime Bureau, IMB, in 2021, an indication that Nigeria may have eliminated the menace of piracy in its waters.

Last Word

Wishing you a good weekend albeit it’s hard to know whether we all really feel safer that this week’s State of the Union address was delivered by an already lame duck President eve pre midterms who haughtily announced “Putin has no idea what’s coming” before proceeding to mix up Ukraine with Iran. Strikes me that we have leaders in Russia and the US each of whom “has no idea what’s coming.”



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