Exchange Invest Weekend: 30th Oct.
Exchange Invest is a unique information resource combining the day’s stories in a newsletter for investors in exchanges/financial markets infrastructure.
Exchange Invest was founded by former exchange CEO and author of the first bestselling book of fintech (“Capital Market Revolution!” FT 1999) Patrick L Young. Monday through Friday our daily paid subscriber email discusses the business of bourses of all kinds across the world.
This weekly edition is a magazine of broader macro topics as well as including our free weekly podcast which reviews the highlights of the week in the world’s market structure.
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On this day in 2012, China Exchanges Services Company (CSEC), a joint venture formed by HKEX, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the development of financial products and related services, officially commenced operations.
In BigWorld
From Exchange Invest 2189: 26th, October 2021: Tuesday
The Trumpy one is ahead in the polls versus Joe Brezhnev whose presidency continues to collapse into such utter failure that any American born biped with a pulse would have a good chance of defeating him. Biden’s sole first year success which has outstripped even my non-existent faith in his inabilities, has been to oversee the fastest crumbling of presidential support in history.
Apparently Brezhnev’s VP receives 13% support as next POTUS (Trump now favourite to win 2024 election)...which shows how switched on the US electorate is that they can even recall her name. Just give me a second, I know it’s not Hillary, it’s er, er, …
Anyway, whoever...In other news, Trump’s new social network without censorship was up 800% in its first few days. As the Brezhnev regime proves abjectly inept, POTUS 45 is laughing all the way to the bank.
Season 8: Episode 2—?IPO-VID Livestream?044
IPO-VID Guest:?Peter Lenardos
Tuesday, November 2nd: 1800 UK, 1900 CET, 1300 EST
"The C Suite Speaks"
Peter K. Lenardos is CFO of global market making & prop trading firm OSTC Group Holdings Ltd. Peter also sits on the board of directors of both OSTC Group Holdings and NYSE-listed SPAC World Quantum Growth Acquisition Corp. which is chaired by former LSEG CEO Xavier Rolet KBE. Previously, Peter served as CFO & later CEO of Cinnober Financial Technology AB. Prior to Cinnober, was in investment banking from 2001-2018 and became well known for his views on the global market infrastructure sector.
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Season 8: Episode 1 —?IPO-VID Livestream?043
IPO-VID Guest:?Christopher Giancarlo
Tuesday, October 26th: 1800 UK, 1900 CET, 1300?EST
"CyptoDad Talks!"
Dubbed “CryptoDad” for his celebrated call on Congress to respect a new generation’s interest in cryptocurrency, the Honorable J. Christopher Giancarlo served as 13th Chairman of the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission.??
Giancarlo is Senior Counsel to the international law firm, Willkie Farr & Gallagher.?He is also a board director, advisor and angel investor in numerous technology and financial services companies. In addition, Giancarlo is a co-founder of the Digital Dollar Project, a not-for-profit initiative to advance exploration of a US Central Bank Digital Currency.??
Giancarlo’s new book, “CryptoDad: The Fight for the Future of Money,” will be released on October 26,?2021, by John Wiley & Sons. CryptoDad is an account of his oversight of the world’s first regulated market for Bitcoin derivatives and the coming transformation of financial services.
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Episode 19:?“OSTC: Accelerating Your Digital Trading Career”?
In IPO-VID Podcast Episode 19: I was joined by: Lee Hodgkinson of OSTC Ltd. discussing “OSTC: Accelerating Your Digital Trading Career”- enjoy!
Available via all the usual podcast sources:
Valereum Blockchain announced an option to acquire the Gibraltar Stock Exchange. The London Stock Exchange Group is paying up for failure.
And there are excellent MSCI results showing just what a data powerhouse can do (once again) - we hope LSEG is taking notes.
Victory Or?Death
20 years on from the first fintech bestseller “Capital Market Revolution!"... "Victory Or Death" is a must-read book for anyone interested in the intersection of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and FinTech as part of the whole future of finance.
Podcasts This Week
Finextra TV
Macro Thoughts
According to a report by the World Bank and IHS Markit, which reviewed 351 container ports around the world, LA was ranked 328th, behind a port in Tanzania.
PLY: A shipping shambles is engulfing the US west coast, with Florida’s administration eager to tout the advantages of their east coast docks which are apparently still running smoothly. There was a fascinating twitter thread begun by Ryan Petersen of Flexport about?the failures in California at the ports. The two facts which amaze me about this are - apparently all the major US ports are owned by the government, #srsly? In the one-time home of capitalism (now clearly in dispute). The other is that the ‘massive’ Long Beach container port is a quarter the size of Singapore’s port. The latter also happens to be much more automated.
Brexit: Done
PLY: For those who think there is a massive battle looming between the EU and the UK over fishing, bear in mind the real issue is that - as expected - President Macron has completely failed with his reformist agenda so is now going down a Bonapartist route to try to ensure his re-election.
Of Interest
Wired UK
New York Post
South China Morning Post
The Chinese Government Had Tossed About The Idea Of Taxing Property Owners For Years To Rein In Runaway Prices, Redistribute Wealth And Bolster State Coffers With Much-Needed Revenue.
The notion HSBC can offer a service of any kind is surely an oxymoron?
George Trefgarne LinkedIn Article
Financial advice has evolved to include “fintok”. Here's what you need to be aware of when receiving advice from social media finance influencers.
Last Word
Catch up Monday for Exchange Invest 2194...
the future continues in the water cooler for the bourse business...