Exchange Invest Weekend: 23rd April
Exchange Invest is a unique information resource combining the day’s stories in a newsletter for investors in exchanges/financial markets infrastructure.
Exchange Invest was founded by former exchange CEO and author of the first bestselling book of fintech (“Capital Market Revolution!” FT 1999) Patrick L Young. Monday through Friday our daily paid subscriber email discusses the business of bourses of all kinds across the world.
This weekly edition is a magazine of broader macro topics as well as including our free weekly podcast which reviews the highlights of the week in the world’s market structure.
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On this day in 1985, the Coca-Cola Co. announced it was changing the secret formula for Coke. Negative public reaction soon forced the company to resume selling the original version.
Parish Notes
We have added my Brian Taylor’s obituary beyond our paywall as many readers wanted to share it.
All are welcome to share the links below (both the same story) to ensure Brian's incredible legacy is remembered clearly.
Here is the original article:
From the E1000 Volume 1:
“One of the most influential technologists/managers behind the scenes in the industry across the world and the full technology stack.”
RIP Brian Taylor. I know I was not alone in feeling entirely shocked to hear of his demise this week.?
Relatively speaking, there are, I am sorry to say, precious few parishioners with a genuine passion for making markets - and making better markets. Brian was staunchly in the latter camp - driven to improve the world one bourse at a time. He fulfilled more than 120 client mandates in almost as many countries across the world. It was a glittering career, building one of the first modern CSDs (Malaysia, 1985) and creating, operating and advising a multiplicity of exchanges and market infrastructures across the world from the Bahamas to Ukraine, Sri Lanka to Saudi Arabia and far beyond. Indeed, Brian worked across all continents, often on behalf of a multiplicity of multinational banks including the World Bank, EBRD, EIB, EU OJEC, US AID). Brian retained a great passion for building markets of all sizes - right down to the very small. He had done great work with Gibraltar and was trying to get the Welsh SE off the ground a decade ago.
Brian was an experienced C-suiter running Plus Markets in London amongst many other ventures.
In his own - quintessentially correct words - “Brian is renowned for solving complex problems that others cannot resolve and we have delivered major projects where “big name” advisors have failed. Brian is extremely professional and honest, providing totally objective and analytical advice.”
I always valued Brian’s counsel and admired the fact that he did not adhere to the tawdry practice of supporting other advisors no matter how useless, feckless or linear their ability to perform, often with a blithe disregard to actually resolving the client’s project. Far from it, his focus was results and delivering the best result in a sensible timescale at all times.
We’ve lost a great bourse builder. Vale Brian Taylor, market maven, exchange guru, gentleman. Our condolences to his wife, Helen.
In BigWorld
From Exchange Invest 2329: 20th, April 2022: Wednesday
The Spectator have published an eye watering table with data about the Ukraine war. You can download here. As our thumbnail shows, a pretty staggering amount of damage albeit unconfirmed by Russia. Either way, there is a lot of damage just to military vehicles before we factor in the eye-popping cost of rebuilding Ukraine however this conflict ultimately fans out….
?Season 11: Episode 3, IPO-VID Livestream 063
IPO-VID Guest:?Richard Carleton
Tuesday, April 26th: 1800 UK, 1900 CET, 1300 EST
From SMEs to Cannabis Power Player
As CEO of?the Canadian Securities Exchange since July 2011, Richard Carleton has positioned the exchange to take a leading role in the provision of public capital to entrepreneurial companies.
Since 2014, the CSE has set a series of records for new listings, capital raised by issuers and trading turnover in the competitive Canadian marketplace.?An early advocate for the cannabis industry, CSE is the global exchange leader in the sector. Financial Post Magazine recognised Richard as one of Canada’s “25 Cannabis Industry Power Players.”
Watch the Stream on:
Episode 44: “The C Suite Speaks"
In IPO-VID Episode 44: I was joined by Group CFO & Member of the Board of Directors OSTC Group Holdings Ltd., Peter Lenardos.
Listen to their interesting discussion "The C Suite Speaks" via the usual podcast sources: Anchor Google Podcasts Spotify Apple Podcast
Big upheaval in the Middle East as Qatar Stock Exchange buys LSEG technology. The US government drought may be leading to a water ban? Nigerian Derivatives are a Go-Go on NGX while we mourn the passing of an ace parishioner.
20 years on from the first fintech bestseller “Capital Market Revolution!"... "Victory Or Death" is a must-read book for anyone interested in the intersection of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and FinTech as part of the whole future of finance.
Macro Thoughts
The Atlantic
PLY: H/t James Fok for this - and check out his brilliant new book “Financial Cold War: A View of Sino-US Relations from the Financial Markets.”
Of Interest
As always, a review of interesting reading to provoke thoughts and consideration… Not sure we agree with much of it….but it’s thought-provoking!
Coin Telegraph
“...the Metaverse is a bit like Adelaide in South Australia. It’s a lovely place without much to do.
…Perhaps the Metaverse is like crypto in 2011: You just have to believe and hodl.”
Do Kwon is counting on the oldest cryptocurrency as a backstop for his stablecoin, which some critics liken to a ginormous Ponzi scheme.
South China Morning Post
South China Morning Post
Last Word
Catch up Monday for Exchange Invest 2333...
the future continues in the water cooler for the bourse business...