Exchange Invest Weekend: 19th Feb.

Exchange Invest Weekend: 19th Feb.

Exchange Invest is a unique information resource combining the day’s stories in a newsletter for investors in exchanges/financial markets infrastructure.

Exchange Invest was founded by former exchange CEO and author of the first bestselling book of fintech (“Capital Market Revolution!” FT 1999) Patrick L Young. Monday through Friday our daily paid subscriber email discusses the business of bourses of all kinds across the world.

This weekly edition is a magazine of broader macro topics as well as including our free weekly podcast which reviews the highlights of the week in the world’s market structure.

For a free trial to Exchange Invest Daily, send me a message.

On this day in 2013, BSE entered into a Strategic Partnership with S&P Dow Jones Indices.

In BigWorld

From Exchange Invest 2275: 14th, February 2022: Monday

Explainer: How A German 'Climate' Fund Set Out To Help Russia Dodge U.S. Sanctions




Season 10: Episode 2—?IPO-VID Livestream?056

IPO-VID Guests: Alan Swimmer?and James Davolos

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Tuesday, February 22nd: 1800 UK, 1900 CET, 1300 EST

"Big Thinking On Inflation"

Alan Swimmer is MD at Horizon Kinetics LLC responsible for focusing on exchange related investment opportunities. Previously, he was at Environmental Financial Products. Alan has spent over 28 years in various senior roles in institutional ETD including North American Sales Head at JP Morgan, He has held Board of Directors positions at RMG Networks and The Minneapolis Grain Exchange.

17-year Horizon Kinetics LLC veteran James Davolos is Co-Portfolio Manager for the Inflation Beneficiaries ETF (INFL), the Internet Fund as well as several private funds and institutional separate accounts.





Season 10: Episode 1—?IPO-VID Livestream?055

IPO-VID Guest: Henrik Hasselknippe

Co-hosted?by: Steve Zwick

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Tuesday, February 15th: 1800 UK, 1900 CET, 1300 EST

"Holistic Renewable Energy & Carbon"

Henrik Hasselknippe is Head of XMarkets, the Xpansiv portfolio of open, transparent exchanges that enable the seamless transaction of renewable energy, carbon, water, and Digital Fuels. Henrik is responsible for the Xpansiv exchange operations, which include CBL, the largest voluntary carbon market; Australian water exchange H20X; the Aviation Carbon Exchange (ACE); and OTX, which provides market access for CSO tickets and renewable fuels.

A former Executive Director for CME Group, leading the company’s Corporate Development division in EMEA, he also served as MD for GreenX, an environmental markets exchange that was owned by a consortium of leading global investment banks, brokers, and trading companies.





Episode 35: “Leading the Crowd”

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IPO-VID Episode 35: Patrick L Young was joined by the Father of Crowdfunding and Weild & Co. Chairman & CEO David Weild discussing “Leading the Crowd" -enjoy!

Available via all the usual podcast sources:

Anchor??Spotify??Google Podcasts??Apple Podcast


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Latency Lust Bites National Stock Exchange of India on some Valentine's Day while NASDAQ's reshuffling their IT sales management in the week NYSE appears to be going full NFT.

The Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast 132

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Victory Or?Death

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20 years on from the first fintech bestseller “Capital Market Revolution!"... "Victory Or Death" is a must-read book for anyone interested in the intersection of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and FinTech as part of the whole future of finance.

Available worldwide.

Podcasts This Week

Prime Time With Ravish Kumar: Did A Faceless Conman Run India's National Stock Exchange?


Was An Unknown Yogi Running NSE? | CEO Chitra RamaKrishna | National Stock Exchange | SEBI


PLY: Video reviews of a hot topic across the parish this week which we covered extensively in Exchange Invest Daily.

How To Social Engineer Your Way Into Anything — Heather R. Morgan | NYC Salon 101


PLY: We covered La Morgan and her arrest for $4.5 billion in BTC money laundering as well as her epic Tiktok crypto rap (CryptoKaleo Yodle). This video deserves a view for an intriguing lesson occupying a circle of Venn diagrams somewhere between ambitious and outright brash all the way to outright bonkers.

Macro Thoughts

Opinion: Decentralized Finance Lovers Run To Centralized Government When They Get Ripped Off

The Globe and Mail

“If the users of cryptocurrencies want those currencies to be accepted as real money, they will have to accept government oversight and regulation. Doing so would rather ruin the founding philosophy of decentralized currencies, but their users can’t have it both ways. They can’t demand to operate without government interference and yet demand it when things don’t go their way.”

PLY: Spot on, the DeFi concept is ill-considered, naive, immature and downright brazen in the face of thousands of years of centralised legal process…and as soon as something goes wrong the vast number of activists for such process demand the government must do something!*

*Rather reminiscent to the many who troughed funds from government to bail out their lifestyles as opposed to their businesses when Covid first hit.

Of Interest

As always, a review of interesting reading to provoke thoughts and consideration…

How AI And Machine Learning Is Shaping Legal Strategy

Thomson Reuters

The Billion-Dollar Nickel-Swap Scandal That Shocked Singapore

The Malaysian Reserve

Gerhard Schr?der Casts A Dark Shadow Over Berlin's Foreign Policy


There Is Great Potential For Developing Low-Carbon Circular Economy Platform Companies

Michael Spencer, winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics.

23-Year-Old Texans Made $4 Million Mining Bitcoin Off Flared Natural Gas


What Is A 'Soft' Or 'Hard' Relationship Launch? Explaining The Celebrity Led Trend

The Conversation

PLY: It seems ‘conscious uncoupling’ is complex compared to the PR metrics of just dating in the first place…

Tunisian Women's Posts Glamorize Risky Migrant Crossings

Yahoo Finance

What Does A Real Economist Think Of Cryptocurrencies?


PLY: The inference that economists in crypto are ‘not real’ is somewhat beguiling of a weekend.

Last Word

Catch up Monday for Exchange Invest 2281...

the future continues in the water cooler for the bourse business...



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