Excerpt - The Thomas Aquinas College Interview??
The Most Rev. ??William D. Byrne, Bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts

Excerpt - The Thomas Aquinas College Interview??

You were once a college chaplain. Can you talk about what's entailed in ministering to college students?

Bishop Byrne: I was the chaplain at the ??University of Maryland from 1999 to 2007, a radically different experience than Thomas Aquinas College, a very secular university in a very secular state. The thing that I discovered was — in a ??culture where everything is possible and everything is permissible, and where tolerance is somehow seen as the only virtue — The Gospel stands out as something radical and new that many of the students hadn't experienced before.

So, I didn't have to re-create the product. We have the Way, the Truth, and the Life of ??Jesus Christ; it was about placing Him in the centre. I started to do Eucharistic Adoration and made our retreats centred on the Eucharist, Adoration, and Confession. Things started to change immediately. We tripled the number of students from a few hundred to nearly 1,000 in my time there. We had vocations, about 14 priestly vocations, about 5 vocations to religious life. It was a valuable lesson that if you want to change things, put ??Jesus in the centre, and it will all take care of itself.


Marie Therese Mayer MA Organisational Management, BSc, BA ??的更多文章

