Excerpt from "Turn It On Ten: Unleashing the Power Within."

Excerpt from "Turn It On Ten: Unleashing the Power Within." Step #7 is Bust A Move. Don't just set your goals. Go get your goals.

"There is a story I would like to share about a man who had dreams of becoming a famous vocalist and musician in his youth. He wrote beautiful songs that he shared with his family and friends. He bought a guitar with plans to learn how to play. He wrote down what he would say during his acceptance speech when he won his awards for best new artist and song. He had an angelic voice and could evoke emotion with the simplest song. However, he never went to the recording studio. He never went to a music lesson. He never accepted any award because no one heard his music. He went on to marry and have a son with his beautiful wife. After many years, his son found his father's trunk with all of his songs. He found his old guitar in the attic. He decided to take a class at his school to learn how to play. He called up his friend who worked at a music studio and was able to get a few hours with a producer. After many nights in the studio, he recorded his father's song. The song was submitted to the radio station and became one of the most played singles to date. A while later, as he stood on the stage to accept his award for best new artist, he thanked his father for his inspiration. The award ceremony was bittersweet. The man looked at his wife and said "Why couldn't this all happen to me?" His wife said "It's because you made plans but our son took action."

If you want something, do something about it. #ThisAintYourMamasLeadershipDevelopmentBook #JustBustAMove



