Excerpt from: "How Monster.com Equated Its Brand with Jobs Through a Solid Content Strategy"
“As a brand, you’ve done a fantastic job at equating Monster.com with jobs, where did you, as a brand marketer, begin this journey,” asked WHOSAY CMO Paul Kontonis who joined Magnarelli on-stage for an in-depth discussion.
“It all starts with your goals,” responded Magnarelli, adding that, at Monster.com, from a B2C standpoint, they wanted people to know that “we have the jobs.” “It always starts with what are you trying to accomplish, your vision and values.”
Kontonis then addressed the measurement issue by asking Magnarelli for her go-to data. She explained that she is focused on engagement and from a marketing funnel perspective, wants people to go to the website primarily. “I want to bring visitors to the site because I want content to build up audiences and awareness of the brand,” she explained.
However, how to do it when trying to engage both B2C and B2B audiences? That was Kontonis’ next question for Magnarelli. “We have a concise buyer’s journey on the B2C side,” she explained, adding that her consumer goal is to have people become a member of the site and or apply for jobs. “On the B2B side, we have a much longer buyer’s journey. In that case, we want to get people into more premium content to drive their purchase decisions.”
Read the full article: https://www.whosay.com/newsblog/2018/7/30/brand-innovators-monster-buzzfeed-new-york
Thanks Paul for sharing your post.