Exception Handling - Part 2 (Handling Exceptions)

Handling Exceptions:-


--> throws:-

The simplest way to “handle” an exception is to rethrow it:


public int getPlayerScore(String playerFile) throws FileNotFoundException {

Scanner contents = new Scanner(new File(playerFile));

return Integer.parseInt(contents.nextLine());


Because FileNotFoundException is a checked exception, this is the simplest way to satisfy the compiler, but it does mean that anyone that calls our method now needs to handle it too.

parseInt can throw a NumberFormatException, but because it is unchecked, we aren't required to handle it.

--> try-catch:-

If we want to handle the exception ourselves, whether it can be Checked or Unchecked, we need to use try-catch block.


public int getPlayerScore(String playerFile) {

try {

Scanner contents = new Scanner(new File(playerFile));

return Integer.parseInt(contents.nextLine());

} catch (FileNotFoundException noFile) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException("File not found");



--> finally:-

Now, there are times when we have code that needs to execute regardless of whether an exception occurs, and this is where the finally keyword comes in.


public int getPlayerScore(String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException {

Scanner contents = null;

try {

contents = new Scanner(new File(filePath));

return Integer.parseInt(contents.nextLine());

} finally {


if (contents != null) {


}catch(Exception e){






Here, the finally block indicates what code we want Java to run regardless of what happens with trying to read the file.

Even if a FileNotFoundException is thrown up the call stack, Java will call the contents of finally before doing that.

--> try-with-resources:-

As of Java 7, we can simplify the above code when working with things that extend AutoCloseable.


public int getPlayerScore(String playerFile) {

try (Scanner contents = new Scanner(new File(playerFile))) {

return Integer.parseInt(contents.nextLine());

} catch (FileNotFoundException e ) {

logger.warn("File not found, resetting score.");

return 0;



When we place references that are AutoClosable in the try declaration, then we don't need to close the resource ourselves.

--> Multiple catch blocks:-

Sometimes, the code can throw more than one exception, and we can have more than one catch block handle each exception individually.


public int getPlayerScore(String playerFile) {

try (Scanner contents = new Scanner(new File(playerFile))) {

return Integer.parseInt(contents.nextLine());

} catch (IOException e) {

logger.warn("Player file wouldn't load!", e);

return 0;

} catch (NumberFormatException e) {

logger.warn("Player file was corrupted!", e);

return 0;



Note:- We didn't catch FileNotFoundException, and that is because it extends IOException. Because we're catching IOException, Java will consider any of its subclasses also handled.

--> Union catch Blocks:-

When we know that the way we handle errors is going to be the same, Java 7 gave the ability to catch multiple exceptions in the same block.


public int getPlayerScore(String playerFile) {

try (Scanner contents = new Scanner(new File(playerFile))) {

return Integer.parseInt(contents.nextLine());

} catch (IOException | NumberFormatException e) {

logger.warn("Failed to load score!", e);

return 0;



Note:- The exceptions caught in the catch block should not have "is-a" relationship.


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