Exception Handling
Exception handling is an important aspect of writing scalable Java programs. In any software development project, unexpected errors and exceptional conditions can come. Java provides a powerful mechanism to handle these unexcepted conditions. In Java, the machinism is known as Exception handling.
Exception :
An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program, disrupting the normal flow of the code, These exceptions can be caused by various reasons such as invalid input, runtime errors, or unexcepted conditions, etc.
Type of exception :
Exceptions in Java are categorized into two main types:
Try-Catch Block:
The try-catch is a fundamental mechanism for handling exceptions. The try block contains the code that might throw an exception at the runtime, while the catch block contains the code that handles the exceptions. One try block can have multiple catch blocks, we can define multiple exceptions in these catch blocks as per the requirement.
Finally Block :
Finally is an optional block, it is mainly used to execute clean code because the finally block always executes, regardless of whether an exception occurred or not
Throws :
Throws are used with the method signature to indicate that the method might throw certain types of exceptions. This informs the caller that they need to handle these exceptions or propagate them further. It is commonly used with checked exceptions. one method can throw multiple exceptions.
The throw keyword is used to throw an exception within a method or block of code. It is particularly userful when a specific condition occurs, and you want to notify the calling code about an exceptional situation.
Best practices:
Conclusion :
Today I was skilled with another topic in Java, I got a deep understanding of exception handling, also I followed best practices for handling exceptions.