Know Your Why
Doron Maman
PhD Student | Speaker | Host of 'Brain Tumor Battle' Podcast—Insights on Mental Toughness
In my last article - we talked about the importance of being a warrior.
But how do we sustain this mentality to lead our selves/industry/team/family to success?
In our company we designed a tool to help awaken your inner warrior. We call it - The Excellent Method. A progressive, three stage process that when applied will give you the motivational drive (especially when there is nothing left), all while maintaining a growth mindset.
Today we'll focus on the first of these three stages to help you bring your warrior to your playing field.
Stage 1: Know Your Why
Just answer this one question... why do you do, what you do? (Simon Sinek TED talk)
As simple as it sounds, this philosophical question stumps many on their path and demands an answer. Lack of one can not only directly hinder your performance, but simultaneously kill your potential. Most people have shifted their answer to autopilot - simply recalling their company's well-rehearsed ethos without truly listening to their inner calling. As a result they repetitively go through the motions and no longer perform with conviction and as a result, we all suffer. All I'm saying is...
If you don't know your why, then you won't find you way.
No matter the task at hand - going to work, physical activity, going on a date - do not begin before you answer the question - WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!
This core understanding alone will not only enhance your performance, but also give you access to an infinite well of energy for the inevitable obstacles laying ahead! It'll become your personal motivational pillar to lean on when times get tough - and believe me, it's only going to get tougher!
Now as a warrior, you're probably already thinking of the next question - How can I make my why even STRONGER?!
Imagine the following example:
If I asked you to run a marathon (at this very instant!) in under three hours (an impressive feat!), would you be successful in your attempt?
The majority of people would respond to this request with some sort of GIF of a person hysterically laughing to the point of tears. Fair enough.
Now let's change just one part. If I asked you to run a marathon (at this very instant!) in under three hours (still an impressive feat!)... and if you were unsuccessful, a loved one would be hurt, would you be successful in your attempt?
Although the answer is still most likely no. Your mindset is shifted from a place of "that's impossible" to "what do I have to do to make this happen?"
This is what happens when our why is driven with others in mind rather than just our own personal benefit. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) refers to this as the ultimate motive. When we find strength when acting in the name of others. These are the not-so supernatural mothers who lift cars to save their children or the everyday heroes we hear about on the news who discover great strength in times of need. They all have one thing in common...
an ultimate why related to others.
So take action! Ask yourself - why are you doing what you are doing? What is the driving force behind your actions? Who will be the direct and indirect benefactors of your actions and what value will the earn from it? Do not start before answering these questions!
Start from here, then prepare to sweat. Stage 2 is coming and it's about to get bumpy...