Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe which borders Russia to the east, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the north. Its capital is Minsk - other major cities include Gomel, Mogilev, Brest, Vitebsk and Bobruisk. One third of the country is forested, and agriculture and manufacturing are pillars of the economy. Belarus is the country of a unique history and a rich cultural
heritage, which is carefully protected in the Heart of Europe.

Belarus. That means “White Russia”, a tender and poetic name that befits this country in the best way. White means clean, clear and innocent in our days as well as main and western in 12–18th centuries. Bright colours of the Mediterranean region are not characteristic for Belarus. It does not have the stunning exoticism of Africa or delicate
slyness of the East either. Belarus is the country of modest and, one may even say, intelligent beauty. Its quiet charm penetrates into a traveler’s soul gradually, through a soft play of the morning sky over the vague horizon line, through the velvet verdure of the vast expanses of the fields and through the overpowering balmy air of a century-old pine-forest.

Perhaps, this is one of the few remaining places on our planet where one can see the amazing miracle — the miracle of the untouched nature. It is surprising that right here, in the very centre of Europe time seems to have considerably slowed done its run — the 21st century is raging around, the civilization is progressing with long strides, yet in
Belarus nature remains real, people remain human and values remain eternal. Belarus is an island of calmness in the swirl of seething time, a place of wise harmony of the body and soul.

First mentioned in the Medieval Chronicles under the year of 1067, Minsk, the capital of Belarus and its geographical heart, has a population of 1.7 million. The city is situated in a picturesque place on the banks of the Svisloch River which in old days used to be one of the busiest trade routes connecting the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea.

Minsk is the crossroads of the most popular European tours. It is connected by highways, railroads, and airlines with all the European capitals and with principal cities of Asia, Middle East, and North America as well.

Foreign visitors are attracted to this city by its surprisingly clean, beautiful, calm, optimistic and hospitable atmosphere just to see with their own eyes life, history, culture and traditions of the Belarusian people.

The slipping-away beauty of Belarus does not expose itself to everyone; for this you have to stop and feel the surrounding world: keep looking into the blue eyes of Belarus, its deep lakes until you feel dizzy, put down your hands into icy waters of a ringing brook, hide from a warm rain under a shaggy branch of a spruce…Belarus is the country which one could not help falling in love with!




University level studies: University level First stage: Simultaneously with the Diploma of Higher Education, it is possible to obtain the Bachelors Degree which is granted to students who obtain marks of 4 and 10. They must follow 300 additional hours of instruction which are given simultaneously with the basic course that entitles one to a university diploma. Hence, the period of training (5-6 years) remains the same. The Bachelors curriculum includes fundamental scientific subjects, psychology and pedagogical subjects and a foreign language. Applicants must sit for the Bachelors examination. The academic degree of Bachelors specifies the speciality; it is granted by the State examining Board and is certified by a Bachelors Degree.

University level Second level: Holders of the Bachelors degree or those who have passed the Bachelors training course examinations can follow a Master curriculum. One- to two- year advanced study programmes lead to the Master's Degree. The course comprises study in the chosen speciality in accordance with an individual curriculum, research on the theme of the Master’s thesis and a public presentation of the latter. On completing the curriculum, students are awarded the academic degree of Masters, specifying a given speciality (Masters of economic sciences, Masters of technical sciences, etc.) which is certified by the Diploma of Masters

University level Third stage Postgraduate: This stage corresponds to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. There is a two-level system of scientific degrees. The first is that of Candidate of Sciences. It requires at least 3 years of study in postgraduate courses, special examinations and the public defence of a thesis. Following this, the student is awarded the degree of Candidate of Sciences. The second level is that of Doctor of Sciences. Holders of the Candidate of Sciences can prepare a Doctorate. After following the required research programme, candidates are awarded the highest scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences. The thesis is also defended in public. The Dissertation Councils are supervised by the State Supreme Certifying
Committee (Vysshij Attestatsionnyj Komitet, VAK) of the Republic of Belarus. It is possible to do doctorate research and sit for a scientific degree while not following postgraduate courses. Higher education and research establishments support such persons and provide them with a supervisor.




Within the Soviet Union, Belarus was one of the most industrially-developed republics. Economically, Belarus involved itself in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Eurasian Economic Community, and Union with Russia. Soon after 1990, industrial production plunged due to the introduction of free market structures into the former Soviet Union. Economic growth returned in 1996, and in 2001 Belarus was the first CIS country to reach Soviet-era levels of industrial production and agricultural production.
Gross domestic product (GDP) for 2005 was $79.13 billion in PPP dollars (estimate) or about $7,700 per capita. In 2005, the gross domestic product increased by about 8-9%, with the inflation rate averaging about 8%. According to the UN, average monthly income grew from US$20 to US$225 during the last 10 years. Over four million people comprise the labor force in Belarus, with women holding slightly more jobs than men. In 2005, nearly a quarter of the population was employed in industrial factories. Employment is also high in agriculture, manufacturing sales, trading goods, and
education. The unemployment rate, according to Belarusian government statistics, was about 1.5% in 2005.



The climate ranges from harsh winters (average January temperatures are in the range ?20 to ?2 °C (18 to 28 °F) to cool and moist summers (average temperature 15 to 20 °C (59 to 68 °F). On average, 15 to 30 centimeters of snow falls in the country, mostly in the northeast. Belarus experiences an average rainfall of 600 to 700millimeters with over 70% of the rain falling during the warmer periods of the year.




We will support and guide step by step to our student’s admission in a Government University in Belarus and apply proper visas to Republic of Belarus.

Also Student’s parents and visitors are most welcome to visit to Belarus in any period of the Year. We will support them with tourist visas and accommodation in Belarus.Embassy of Republic of Belarus only will provide visas to enter to Belarus.

To enter Belarus, you need a passport and a visa.

To get a visa, you need to submit a valid passport, a photo, an application, other supporting documents depending on the nature of your visit, and to pay a visa fee.

When applying for a visa, apart from an application, you need to submit the following supporting documents:

For studies, an original invitation by the educational institution where you are going to study verified by a local citizenship and migration office of the Ministry of Interior of Belarus.

For tourism (up to 30 days, short-term single or double entry), a written request by a Belarusian tourist company, or a written request by a rest house or rehabilitation centre, or a written invitation by a national of Belarus and supporting documents that confirm her/his ownership of an agro tourist homestead in Belarus.

For a short-term private visit (up to 90 days, single, double or multiple entries), an original invitation issued by a local citizenship and migration office of the Ministry of Interior of Belarus where a person you are going to visit is living. Meanwhile, you may get a visa for a private visit without invitation in case you have a report proving an emergency need to visit Belarus due to a serious decease or death of a relative, or an invitation from a person you going to visit verified at Belarusian Embassy or Consulate,
or a document certifying that you own a residence in Belarus, or a court notice.

For a long-term private visit (90 days within a year), you need to have a family member who is national of Belarus or to own a residence in Belarus. To get this type of visa, you need either an original invitation issued by a local citizenship and migration office of the Ministry of Interior of Belarus where a person you are going to visit is living or a document certifying that you own a residence in Belarus.

Important: Upon arrival to Belarus, you need to register at the local citizenship and migration office of the Ministry of Interior of Belarus within 3 business days. If your visa to Belarus is up to 90 days but you intend to stay longer, you need to extend the validity of your visa through a local citizenship and migration office of the Ministry of Interior of Belarus.



Ukraine is located in the Central East Europe between 44''20' and 52''20' N and 22''5' and 41''15'E, in the southeastern part of the East European plain. Ukraine’s geographic position is quite advantageous since the most important transportation routes are crossing its territory linking West

Europe with countries of Trans-Caucasia and Central Asia. Ukraine’s territory stretches for 893 kilometers from north to south, and for 1316 kilometers from west to east, and is one of the largest countries which borders do not transgress the bounds of Europe.

Neighboring Countries:
Ukraine borders upon Poland, Hungary and Slovakia in the west, through which territories lies the shortest route to the countries of Western and Central Europe. The border of Ukraine with Russia is in the north and east, while in the southwest the country it is contiguous with Moldova and Romania. In the north, Ukraine adjoins Belarus through which territory it is linked with Baltic countries.
It is with Romania and Russia that in addition to the land border Ukraine has a sea border too.

Outlet to the Sea
Ukraine has a wide outlet to the Black Sea and Sea of Azov that link it with countries of the Mediterranean. Also through the sea Ukraine borders with Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. The area of the exclusive (sea) economic zone of Ukraine is over 82 thousand sq. km.



The structure of the higher education of Ukraine was built up according to the structure of education in the developed countries of the world as determined by UNESCO, UN and other international organizations. The higher education constitutes integral part of the system of education of Ukraine
as provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Education". It ensures the fun-damental scientific, professional and practical training by the following educational and qualification degrees: "Junior specialist", "Bachelor", "Specialist, Master".

The higher education is received in high educational institutions of the respective levels of accreditation on the basis of: basic general secondary education, com-plete general secondary education and educational-qualification degrees "junior specialist" and "Bachelor", as well as
"Specialist, Master" as postgraduate education.

Training of specialists in higher educational institutions may be carried out with the interruption of work (daytime education), without interruption of work(evening, correspondence education), by the combination of these two forms, and for certain professions - without attending classes.

Admission of citizens to higher educational institutions is made on the competitive basis according to skills and regardless of the form of ownership of an educational institution and sources of payment for education. There are four levels of accreditation established pursuant to the status of higher educational institutions:

* first level - technical school, vocational school and other higher
educa-tional institutions equated to them;
* second level - college and other higher educational institutions equated to it;
* third and fourth levels (depending on the results of accreditation) -
institute, conservatory, academy, and university.



Economy of Ukraine: Past and Today

Ukraine, being a large European economy, has a well-developed industrial base, the rich farmlands, highly trained labour and a good education system. Ukraine is relatively rich in natural resources, particularly mineral deposits. Although oil reserves in the country are largely exhausted, it has other important energy sources, such as coal, hydroelectricity and nuclear fuel raw materials.

Ukraine has a major ferrous metal industry, producing cast iron, steel and a wide range of metalware, including pipes. As of 2007, Ukraine was the world's eighth largest steel producer. Another important branch is country's chemical and petrochemical industry producing coke, mineral fertilizers, acids, soda etc. Manufactured goods include metallurgical equipment, diesel locomotives, tractors, automobiles. The country possesses a massive high-tech industrial base, including
electronics, arms industry, space program and is a major producer of grain, sugar, meat and milk products.

Ukraine encourages foreign trade and investment. The Verkhovna Rada (Parliament of Ukraine) has approved a foreign investment law allowing foreign investors to purchase businesses and property, to repatriate revenue and profits, and to receive compensation if the property is nationalized.

Ukraine is transporting gas from the Russian Federation to the European Union through its well-developed gas pipelines system, being the Europe's vitally important gas transistor. Ukraine is independent in its electricity supply, exporting it to other countries of Eastern Europe. The recent energy strategy provides for gradual decreasing of gas- and oil-based generation in favour of nuclear power, as well as energy saving measures, shortening of industrial gas consuming.

Since 2000 Ukraine confidently belongs to the group of countries, which are the world leaders in terms of highest rate of macroeconomic indices. Ukraine’s currency, the hryvnia, was introduced in September 1996, and till now has remained fairly stable.

The balanced fiscal and monetary policy, growth of domestic demand and development of national market together with the favourable economic situation in the world ensured expansion of activities in the most spheres of economy, and based on this, the well-being of the Ukrainian citizens is gradually increasing.

Since 2005 Ukrainian economy has been under raising inflation processes. According to the State Statistics Committee (www.ukrstat.gov.ua), inflation in Ukraine for January-July 2008 upped by 26.4 percent against the same period of 2007, but a 0.5 percent deflation was fixed in July against June 2008. Credit relations are developing rapidly, competition is increasing; economy restructure is
put in practice more effectively.

In 2000-2004, after ten years of economic recession, the real Gross Domestic Product was growing at the highest rate in Europe and amounted 44.2%. In 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 the real GDP in Ukraine increased by 2.6%, 6.7%, 7.2% and 6.5% correspondingly. In July 2008 GDP came to 530 billion hrvn.

One can witness the growing of the industrial production in the majority of key industries of Ukraine, which increased by 6.2% in 2000-2003, 12.5% in 2004, 3,1% in 2005, 6.2% in 2006, 10.7% in 2007. In January-July 2008 the industrial production upped by 7.3% against the same period of 2007. The largest increment of the gross value at that period (compared to January-July 2007) was in trade and
amounted 11.8%, in agriculture – 10.8%, energy industries – 8,6 %, processing industry – 8.4%, transporting – 4.8%.

The positive trends in machinery were resulted mainly by growth in the automotive industry (by 55.0%), agricultural machinery and equipment (by 54.2 %), railway vehicles production (24.5%), etc.

There are also positive transformations in the social sphere. During last few years the Ukraine has managed to implement the policy of advancing growth of real population’s income comparatively with the GDP growth. The real population income increased in January-July 2008 over 16.1% to compare with the relevant period of the last year.

Total foreign direct investment in Ukraine since 1994 was approximately $36.5 billion as of July 2008, $4.3 billion in 2007 alone. Traditionally, the biggest countries-investors are Germany, Cyprus, Italy, the Russian Federation, the Netherlands, Austria, and the United Kingdom.

In 2008 Ukraine fulfilled its obligations aimed at accessing the World Trade Organization and creation of the necessary domestic economic infrastructure. On 16 May 2008 Ukraine became the 152nd member of the WTO.

Next important step in strengthening the external economic activities and expansion of foreign trade is the negotiations on Free Trade Area (FTA) with the European Union. The FTA will be a core part of the New Enhanced Agreement being negotiated between Ukraine and the EU.


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