Excellence and ISO 31000

Excellence and ISO 31000

Warning: This article is only for managers who want to take their organization to the next level.

In recent years, ISO 31000 has become a globally widespread standard in risk management. Unfortunately, I have seen on many occasions that the real purpose of this standard has not been sufficiently understood or applied, which leads to unsatisfactory results.

I see many times that a first step is being taken with the introduction of ISO 31000, but that after that the real work is not done and that old practices are being carried on. Risk management in many companies is therefore a matter of drawing up risk registers, analyzing specific risks at times and then drafting reports about them, where it is then up to the executive management to decide whether to follow the recommendations. As a result, risk management remains a separate, non-integrated function that focuses on risk identification, analysis, and evaluation.

Of course, this is not wrong, but it is not what ISO 31000 really aims to achieve. When you have understood ISO 31000 well and fully apply it, it is a powerful tool for alignment of objectives, the development of criteria, with which decisions can be made throughout the organization in a supported way with which shared objectives can be achieved.

Moreover, when integrated into the day-to-day operations of an organization, the ISO 31000 process is a powerful and clear improvement process, with which the entire organization and what it produces can be taken to a higher level and to excellence. Also, the ISO 31000 process is a general management process, with which any strategic, tactical, or operational objective can be managed, from the highest to the individual level!

It is therefore my conviction that ISO 31000 can be a valuable tool for any organisation, regardless of its size or sector. Especially today, in an increasingly rapidly changing society, where value creation, value protection and a correct distribution of value are becoming increasingly important.

Do you want to know more about ISO 31000 and how to understand and apply this overarching standard? Then I would like to welcome you to the training courses I provide on the subject. You can find more information about it on the website https://iso31000.academy/

Best regards,



Peter BLOKLAND, PhD的更多文章

