Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (Oct – Dec 2024)
Offering inspiration to create your unique excellence advantage… both in your personal leadership and as an organization.
Which of the six articles this quarter most inspired you to act?
Is there one that slipped by during the busy season??
A brief recap here so you can find that one and spring into action in 2025!
Here’s to you, your leadership, your impact.
Setting a strategic course is crucial for long-term success. Trickier in a period of significant flux. Uncertainty requires strategic thinking and planning that explicitly considers the ambiguous future.
This article highlights how scenario-based planning can be put to good use.
Make it better. Don’t wait for someone else or for another day.
Do it TODAY.
Inspiration from Bryan Williams!
What keeps you most grounded?
Life’s ABCs are a great reminder of building blocks for weathering turbulent times.
Insights shared generously by my colleague Michael Gerharz.
Which principle(s) will most improve your strategic impact?
Some leaders stand out—not because they’re the most charismatic but because they combine two key traits: a bold vision for the future and a genuine humility in how they lead.
This piece explores this special combination.
What do top-performing organizations do differently?
A systems mindset, visionary leadership, a relentless focus on customers, valuing people & resilience. These are some of the values that drive performance excellence.
Kathy Letendre, President and Founder of Letendre & Associates, advises organizations and leaders to create their excellence advantage.
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