EXCEL TIP - Filling gaps in data
Rui Miguel Soares Freitas
Transforme dados complexos em insights valiosos com os Servi?os de Relatórios de KPI da Dúvidas e Dados . Deixe-nos tratar da análise, enquanto se concentra em tomar decis?es informadas para o seu negócio.
How do you fill A3-A6 cell range with the above date?
First start by selecting those empty cells.
- Place the mouse on B1 cell.
- Press [END] once then [DOWN ARROW] (Your cursor should be in the end cell now [B16]
- While still pressing [SHIFT KEY]+[CTRL], press [HOME]. (all cells are now selected)
- Proceed with this steps
Select Blanks on the "Go To Special" window
Now A3 cell should be highlighted. Careful now or you may have to repeat previous step. Press Key [=] then [Up Arrow] Then [CTRL]+[Enter].
All values are now filled.
Select [A] column and do a copy then paste values to have the values in the cells not just the link to the above cell.
This example only has 12 cells to fill. But if this was a big table with over 300 lines, would you fill by hand?
Remember: Practice makes perfection.
Hope you liked it.