Excel - Aamir P
Hello everyone!
Today, we will see about Excel. Excel is a powerful spreadsheet used for analysis, visual representation, accounting, etc.
An Excel has rows and columns. Rows are numbered and columns are named alphabetically. The intersection of a row and column is a cell. Generally, column name should come first followed by row number. For example, A1, C11, etc.
Click on a cell and type the data, then give enter to move to the next cell. Double-click the cell to edit the data entered.
You can do any basic formulas by giving the ‘=’ sign. Eg: =A1+B1 in a cell and give enter. Addition(+), Subtraction(-), Multiplication(*), and Division(/) all these are basics in excel.
We can perform advanced calculations like sum, avg, etc. These are pre-built functions. Each function will have its parameters, so after typing the function name open parenthesis and fill in the parameters.
Formatting is possible by adjusting cell colour, text font, number format, etc. Right-click on a cell or use the ribbon at the top of the Excel window to access formatting options.
The topmost bar is the title bar, the next one is the menu bar, and then we have the toolbar, and at the bottom, we have the status bar.?
Excel has an AutoFill feature that allows you to quickly fill a series of cells with data, such as numbers or dates. For example, I give Jan in a cell. Just drag till where you want. 12 months will complete automatically, if it is more than 12 it will start again from Jan and keep going with the loop.
Select your data and click the insert tab to give visualisation for your data in the form of charts, graphs, etc.
Click on file, save as to save the file or you can also print. We can have a maximum of 255 sheets and every Excel file is called a workbook.
We will see a prime concept in Excel. This is the most used in companies (i.e.) pivot table.
Why this is more important? Because it is used for analysis and reporting purposes. It summarises and presents the data for analysis in a spreadsheet. So, the data is structured.
To conclude pivot table is mainly used to create reports to answer analytical questions.
Clean your data to overcome errors and to make it consistent, accurate, etc.
After importing the data, we check for its structure.
Then we do data quality checks like duplicates, inconsistencies, etc.
Next, we handle the missing data. We remove rows that don’t have data so that there is no impact during analysis.
Go to the data tab in Excel and click the data validation icon to remove duplicates.
Use cell style for consistent formatting. An example of this is converting lower case to upper case.
Correct the errors manually or use data validation rules.
Text cleaning involves unnecessary spacing, punctuation errors, etc. Avoid this to make it consistent.
Transform the data to convert it to the necessary data type.
Visualise the distribution of your data.
Set validation rules to avoid wrong entries in future.
Document your data and test the changes.
Always give automatic data cleaning.
So, that’s it for the day! Thanks for your time in reading my article. Tell me your feedback or views in the comments section.
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