Excedr Monthly | October, 2023
Hi reader, it's Halloween! ?? Maybe you celebrated over the weekend, maybe you didn't. For those that like to exclusively costume up over the weekend, the next time this ghoulish gala falls on a Friday is 2025. So stick tight.
Podcast updates:
This month, we started publishing episodes on a weekly basis. All three parts of our series with Mirvie CEO and Co-Founder, Maneesh Jain, are available (almost) wherever you listen to podcasts. I'll include the links here for quick access:
Part one: Fundamental Curiosity & The Value of Perseverance | Entrepreneurship for Societal Impact | “Magic Decades” & Finding Your Niche | The Importance of Scalability & Differentiation
Part two: Company Size & Innovation | Supply Chain Learnings from Other Industries | Scaling Go-to-Market Strategies | Culture’s Interaction with Mergers & Acquisitions??
Part three: Finding & Addressing Unmet Needs | The Maternal Health Crisis | Creating an Empathy-Focused Company Culture | Fundraising & Hitting Milestones in a Recession?
We also published part one of our conversation with Sandy Paige, co-managing director of the Seabright Ventures Fund, a search fund investing in the US middle market, with a focus on life sciences and clean tech.
Moving on to the articles published this month! We've covered a wide range of topics, from cell culture preparation to our guide to OpEx. Find our articles and posts for October below.
Articles & Posts
Preparing Cell Cultures for Mass Spectrometry
Living cells are composed of diverse biomolecules. Whether abundant or rare, these molecules help maintain cell functions and keep our bodies healthy. Changes in the amount of a biomolecule can also affect how well our bodies operate. Hence, researchers advance biological research by?identifying existing and novel molecules that contribute to health and disease. These molecules are?called biomarkers.
But what has driven the surge in biomarker research? The answer lies in mass spectrometry (MS).
An Overview of Cas9 Antibodies, How They Work, & Their Uses
CRISPR/Cas9 system was first found as an?adaptive immune system in microbes. The RNA-guided DNA endonucleases are involved in the cleavage of the foreign DNA molecule with the help of guide RNA, which is composed of crsprRNA and trcrRNA. The system is frequently used in gene therapy and gene editing applications.?
However, gene therapy involving the CRISPR-Cas9 system has been observed to cause immunogenicity in patients. For example, some studies have identified?T cells’ reactivity to Cas9 antigens?in donors, suggesting the presence of a pre-existing immune response. That’s why Cas9 antibodies are developed to monitor the enzyme level in patients.?
Protein Phosphatase, How It Works, & Its Applications
Protein phosphatase is a family of enzymes that remove phosphate groups from proteins. The reversible phosphorylation (through protein kinase enzyme) and dephosphorylation processes control?the metabolic process of organisms, such as cell signaling, gene expressions, cell cycle progression, ion transport, and control protein function.
The phosphate groups are mainly?attached to amino acid residues, such as threonine, tyrosine, and serine residues, by the kinase enzyme and removed by phosphatases. Based on their structure, substrate specificity, and activity on a specific amino acid group, the phosphatase?enzyme is divided into different families.?
Four Western Blotting Techniques for Accurate Results
Western blotting?is an analytical technique routinely used in Molecular Biology and Proteomics labs to separate and identify specific proteins from a complex mixture of protein samples.???
The technique first separates proteins by molecular weight using SDS-PAGE (electrophoretic protein separation) in the gel matrix in the form of bands. This is followed by the transfer of proteins on nitrocellulose or polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membranes and their incubation with specific antibodies.??
The target proteins are detected using detection methods, such as chemiluminescence, fluorescence, or colorimetric techniques. The techniques most similar to western blot analysis include ELISA, immunocytochemistry, and dot-blot analysis, which are used for the quantification of proteins in cell lysates.?
Elemental Analyzers 101: Intro to Equipment Used for Elemental Analysis
Elements are the fundamental building blocks of matter, representing the purest forms of substances that cannot be further decomposed through chemical reactions. The significance of elemental analysis lies in its ability to unveil the elemental composition of a sample, offering crucial insights into the properties, behavior, and interactions of various organic and inorganic substances.
Elemental analyzers are specialized instruments used in analytical chemistry to determine the elemental composition of a sample—its primary purpose is to quantitatively measure the concentrations of different elements present in a given sample, enabling researchers to understand the sample’s elemental makeup.
By employing various techniques such as combustion analysis, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), elemental analyzers offer precise and accurate quantification.
Equipment Leases vs. Loans: Which Is the Better Choice for Biotechs?
The life sciences industry is highly competitive. It’s also significantly capital-intensive, which can put early-stage biotech and biopharma companies in a challenging position when it’s time to purchase new equipment. Considering how much cash or credit a young life sciences business realistically has, buying equipment is not always the most efficient means of procurement.
However, getting new equipment into the lab is essential. It allows biotechs to stay competitive and innovative in their research and development work. Biotechs often require specialized and expensive equipment to carry out their work, and having access to the latest and most advanced equipment can give them a significant advantage over their competitors.
What Is Secured Debt? Definition, Examples, & Impact
As a scientist, you're likely used to weighing risks and making calculated decisions in your field. But when it comes to financing your business or making major purchases, navigating the world of secured debt can be a new undertaking, and quite often a challenge. Especially if you're not well-versed in finance.
Secured debt is an important concept to understand because it's often involved in loans and financing purchases, and it can have significant implications for your business's financial health. In simple terms, secured debt is backed by collateral, such as a car or a home. This collateral serves as a guarantee to the lender that they will be able to recoup their losses if you default on the loan.
But what does this mean for you? How can secured debt help or hinder your business? And how does it compare to unsecured debt, which doesn't require collateral??
Light Sheet Microscopy 101: What Is It & How Does It Work?
Light sheet microscopy, also known as selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM), is a powerful imaging technique that enables high-resolution 3D imaging of biological samples with minimal photo-induced damage and exceptional spatial resolution. Its unique capabilities enable detailed visualization and analysis, fostering breakthroughs in a variety of research areas.
It offers several advantages over traditional microscopy methods, making it a valuable tool for studying dynamic biological processes, capturing a wide field of view, and achieving superior spatial resolution.
What Is OpEx? A Guide to Understanding Operating Expenses
Biotechs face a unique set of challenges when it comes to managing their finances. They need to invest heavily in research and development to?bring new therapies and products to market, but need to be smart with their budgets and manage expenses carefully to stay afloat.
Startups don’t always have an effective way to generate revenue, often relying on external funding and grants to keep operations going instead . However, fundraising is often very difficult. It is even more difficult now. Reduced access to funding and an exceptionally long discovery and development cycle makes keeping track of your expenses even more important.?
That said, part of running a company properly is recording operating costs, no matter what industry you’re in. So the information in this short guide applies to all types of businesses. To properly record operating costs, it can be simpler to divide your expenses into different categories. One of these categories is known as operating expenses, or OpEx.
Till next time!
-Tom at Excedr