Excavator Rope Selection
Changsha Aulone Construction Machinery Co., Ltd
Aulone is one of leading Special wire rope, stainless wire rope & sling etc manufacturers in China, with highest quality
Excavator Rope Selection
Excavator Rope?Selection
Selection Guide
Dragline and face shovel ropes are required to with stand fatigue caused by repeated bending, high radial pressures, and shockloading. In addition, drag ropes must offer resistance to abrasion and plastic deformation. The construction will invariably be acompromise between one which offers resistance to abrasion onthe one hand, and resistance to bending fatigue on the other.A rope failure may cause not only downtime, but considerable damage could result. lt is for this reason that it is vitally important to consider the correct rope selection. As with any type ofequipment one must select the right rope for the right application. Different machine design characteristics, maintenance procedures, ground and operating conditions necessitates theselection of different rope constructions for optimum operating performance.
Hoist & Drag Ropes
The same rope construction has commonly been used for hoistsand drags, in the interest of stock rationalisation.The present trend is to use the 6x49/WRC construction as drags and the 8x36/IWRC as hoists. Compared to the?normal?6-strand ropes, the?8-strand configuration has the following advantages
The 8-strand construction uses approximately the same size outer wires as the 6-strand construction, thus the wear resistanceis the same or better. In general, as far as bending fatigue isconcerned, the 8-strand rope is far superior to the 6-strand rope,In general the direction of Lay is Right Hand. Some users stillconsider the use of a Left and Right Hand pair of ropes on certain draglines to be advantageous. Practical experience to date hasnot shown any conclusive benefits.?
Advantages of Plastication
reduces wear and rifling in the drum and sheave grooveskeeps the lubrication within the rope and core, thus alsokeeping the machinery cleanprevents the ingress of water, dirt etc.. into the ropeprevents inter-strand and inter-layer nicking of outer wires
From hoisting to hauling, you can rely on our ropes to meet the demands of your operation.??Our comprehensive line of surface?mining ropes?— from hoist and drag ropes to pendants and engineered solutions — ensures convenient sourcing for all your surface mining needs, including specialized applications.
In surface mining, huge equipment components, such as mechanical shovels, are used to remove overburden and ore from the ground. Our strong and long-lasting wire rope is key to maximizing the efficiency of these machines.??We also specialize in hoist wire ropes and dragline wire ropes, as well as a full range of pendant assemblies.Dragline excavators are known to be one of the most demanding rope applications in the world.
We offer both six and eight-strand?dragline ropes, based on customer preferences and operating conditions.?We offer solutions that improve operating efficiency in electric mining shovels, outperforming any existing shovel rope on the market today.
Improved overall rope service life enhancing increased uptime and saved costs;
Excellent after sales support, high service degree and high delivery reliability;
Complete range in terms of diameters and breaking load;
Solutions for improved corrosion resistance in order to cope with the harsh environments;
more info :wwww.aulone.com
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