An example of principled leadership
Willie Wolf M.P.A
Training and consultation to help your organization go from good to great
Leadership is very important for Tribal organizations and for our country. One of the speakers at President Bush'es funeral was the noted historian Jon Meacham. 'While giving it he shared some of President Bush'es most famous sayings.
Tell the truth. This has never been more critical than during this time. You need to walk your talk as a leader. When you make a promise follow through on it and your integrity will increase.
Don't blame people. Some leaders like to point fingers at everyone but themselves. First look inward and accept responsibility for your own shortcomings and others will respect so much more.
Be strong. Stand up for your principles. If you know you are right stand your ground. In some cases you may be the only one in the room who feels a certain way on an issue and it is not easy to maintain your position but if the cause is great enough you will be glad you did.
Do your best. This is not about being perfect but rather doing your best at any given time. When you do this at work you will not take your work home with you which will help you to have a better work/life balance.
Try hard. Some of the tasks you are expected to take on as Tribal leaders will be very challenging so you must persevere and not give up the first time it is difficult. By trying hard you will be able to accomplish more than you ever thought possible.
Forgive. One of the gifts from the sacred hoop that White Bison has which is the symbol for the wellbriety movement is "Forgive the unforgiveable". Many of our leaders have experienced major traumas in their lives and it is important that they be able to forgive others who have been wounded as well and may be coming from a place of anger and resentment. Let go so the creator can take away the hurt and pain.
Stay the course. In following your principles use true north as your compass. Sometimes we want to give up when the struggle seems to be overwhelming. We must not give in to the difficult challenges we face. A heroes journey will never be easy but if you keep the end in mind you will reach your goal.