An Example Of Poor MLM Recruiting- A Conversation Between Humility And An Admitted ‘Braggadocio’…

An Example Of Poor MLM Recruiting- A Conversation Between Humility And An Admitted ‘Braggadocio’…

Hello everyone,

As we grow closer to Christmas and the end of 2015, I have been reflecting on this past year. I have gone through some major changes in my personal life as well as my business endeavors.

I have, and always will, believe in the MLM business model! There is no other opportunity on this planet where a person can finally, not only secure their financial future, but can help thousands and thousands of others do the same. This business model is designed to do JUST THAT!

But the problem do I find, thousands and thousands of people who are looking?? I have become a member of the NFL ( No friends or family left ) and don't even get invited to family dinners anymore! Even if I decide to sit at the kids table!

The reason that 97% of people that get involved in an MLM business...FAIL!! Why? Because they don't know how to find the right prospect and when they do, they don't know what to say!

This is the EXACT problem that I have struggled with for almost 30 years. Until, I found a system where I can literally add 8 - 12 reps every week, week after week, into my business.

I teamed up with a man named Gino Niccoli and The Marketing Blacksheep!!

Gino has built many multi-million dollar  businesses over the last 30 years using a 3.1 system, where you never have to talk to family or friends. You will never have to become a member of the NFL!!

He teaches a FREE class every Wednesday night at 5:30 PM PST to students from all over the world. If you struggle the way that I have over almost 3 decades, then you should take a look at this...Go to and register for class.  What do you have to lose, right?!

The following is an article that Gino published and I think that you will enjoy the read!

…I admit, I don’t come across very soft, I’m sure. If you’ve read any of my previous articles, I don’t mince words. And, although I don’t apologize for it, I hope this article might shed a little light on why I sometimes seem to rant, rage, spit fire and generally offend the very audience I hope to endear.

I’ve been in this industry a very long time, more than 30 years. I’ve seen and heard almost every technique taught or attempted…and I’ve created a few of my own.

I’m lucky in that, being a former homeless high school drop-out, I’ve been very blessed to build some incredibly large businesses. And, to share some of that ‘luck’ with others, I teach people how to make money with a home based business, using techniques and systems I’ve developed over the last 30 years.

And what I teach may not be for everyone…my brash, unapologetic attitude may not be for every one….or even any one. But I believe there’s a big difference between arrogance and confidence…

…I believe the biggest difference is one is based on ignorance, the other based in fact. And, even with my sometimes abrasive attitude, I really do want to help everyone in this business.

And yet, without even trying, that last paragraph my inadvertently imply that I’m already heading down that brash, mean, spiteful path again. I’m very confident about what I do, can do and help others do…in regards to marketing anyway, but…

…there are many areas of my life- being politically correct, marriage, being a father, etc…these are areas where I make no claims of expertise because, to me, my expertise in these matters would not qualify me as any sort of expert. So, for me to claim to help people in one of those areas would be arrogant, in my opinion.

Obviously, I’m not a master at the politically correct expression- read any previous article of mine. I’ve been engaged 4 times, married twice, one engagement ended in a fatality and the other…well, I’ll let you know…it’s pending. My point is, I expect/ed all of these relationships to last forever. My track record doesn’t seem to agree with my opinion. And so…

…I’m not a marriage counselor, nor do I even claim to teach relationship mastery. I have one child, a son. He’s 17 and believes he knows everything so that’s either par for the course or his mother and I and his public schooling, gave him more information than all of us possess. Since his story is still being written, I can’t comment conclusively on his claims. So, I don’t make claims of parenting.

But MLM…and growing a business from home- ya, I have tremendous confidence in not only doing that, but teaching others how to do it too. Do your research, I think those claims are founded. And, in expressing those claims- I’ve been accused of being arrogant, boastful…and maybe justifiably so.

I think, in my opinion, the reason I state my accomplishments so brazenly is because I’ve seen so many ‘experts’ make false claims, especially in this industry, and I’ve seen so many people get hurt that way. I take it personally.

I take it personally because I’ve been that person- someone who believed people when they told me they could show me how to do this business. In fact, I believed them so much I gave them my money, a lot of money..and my time, effort and energy. And most of the time, these people did NOT teach me what works. Instead, they used the offer to separate me from my money and…

….I also believe, in most cases, it was unintentional. I believe in the good in our species. I assume (and ya, I know what that word means), most people mean to do good. Yes, that assumption has cost me money too, but I make that assumption because I don’t want see the world through lenses of skepticism.

Of course, having said that, when I come off brazen, brash, rude or impatient, part of that attitude comes from my obvious disappointment in giving most people the benefit of the doubt.

In demonstrating my point, I’m going to share a conversation I had with someone offering to ‘Mentor’ me. And, in providing this demonstration…I’m sure I’ll be seen as the same arrogant, mean spirited ‘braggadocio’ I was accused of being in the conversation.

But I’m going to share the conversation anyway, even at the expense of my stellar, genteel, kind, forgiving and open character…

…Just so I’m not accused of ‘making this up’, I’m going to actually ‘copy and paste’ the conversation. Before I do, in the interest of the sanity of my counsel, I need to say…

’Sharing this conversation does not violate any privacy laws (it is a conversation held within the messaging service HERE and those conversations are not prefaced with any notification of privacy, restriction, confidence or permission based requirements prior to sharing. I also want to clearly state that sharing this conversation is simply part of the expression of my sole opinion and this opinion may not be the opinion of LinkedIn? or the person on the other end of the conversation. This opinion is not intended to be inflammatory, derogatory or slanderous.’

It may however, be unfortunate- maybe for both parties.

There’s a bunch of people out there that have been taught they need to express that they have an expertise in something in order to build a relationship, which if it is for business purposes, I agree. In most cases, I think that this instruction is either poorly taught, poorly executed or a combination of both.

This is an example.

And no, I don’t teach grammer either for obvious reasons. This conversation was between myself and someone who messaged me here on LinkedIn, a Mr. X, we’ll call him. I’m merely sharing this conversation so that those of you here using LinkedIn? to grow your MLM can learn, whatever that learning might be. I get people trying to recruit me into their MLM and I accept it as part of the hazard of being here…claiming I’m pretty good at it and teaching it.

But, this gentleman is by no means singular in his approach- I see it all the time. The conversation begins rather innocuous I think;

  • G, Good to connect. I am a traveler. I live in a custom RV and travel largely the intermountain west for work and fun. You can see more of what I do atAcrossAmericet I am also a successful online marketer, skier, and now in RV sales. What made you decide to reach out and connect with me? Al

7:33 PM

  • Today

I thought you might be in an MLM program


(I had asked him to connect because he indicated on his profile that he was in MLM)

We continue;

  • I am, and its a darn good one - no pushing miracle lotions, potions or pills! You can see what I do here - https://rvacrossamericl-service/ And yes, I can mentor you. Mr.X

10:06 AM


And here is where it goes horribly wrong- and yes, I’m completely aware I could have left the bait alone…but if I knew how to do that I would have kept all my teeth in high school too.

Mr.X not only indicates he can mentor me…he implies I was asking if he would- pretty assumptive…and I gotta be honest, I like it. I’m pretty assumptive in my marketing too and honestly I am always looking for and finding more mentors I can learn from…but, mentor me in MLM, hum…

So, while I like his assumptive nature, being so…he hit pretty strong so I returned volley;

  • X, you can mentor me? Cool. How many reps a week are you personally adding into your MLM?


Now, in my defense, I was sincerely asking. Inquiring like this, I’ve met some very, very cool 7 figure earners who have in fact taught me a ton. However, I will admit, the volley question was also intended to ‘bait’ him.

In my defense, this tactic of asking for #’s right up front usually separates people very quickly. In fact, those who are very successful in this business are never shy or take offense at this inquiry. They know I’m simply asking for facts to determine the potential validity of their claim. In the case of this conversation, it didn’t go that way;

i am selective as to whom I enroll. I'd ask you, why should I sponsor you? I use video marketing (and can teach it) so you get your message out without using traditional MLM marketing techniques that are frankly outdated and obnoxious. Given the question you asked me, you may not have the right mindset for me to mentor you.

Right here, we just took a very slippery slope downward. Again, I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years. Any leader here reading this will tell you exactly what is wrong- this guy is full of b.s.

How do I know? The ‘selective’ comment is fine. It’s a positioning attempt that is very effective, but when you follow it up telling me you use ‘video marketing’ as opposed to ‘traditional’ techniques…well, now the gig is up. Why? Because he’s pitching me Send Out Cards, lol. Duh.

How do I know that? Because I’ve been doing this over 30 years. Do you really think I haven’t heard this before? Obviously, he did. Video Marketing isn’t a technique. It’s a form of communication. Marketing is the delivery of that ‘video’ message.

Now, I resisted asking him if he worked in T.V., but then he tried calling my bluff. I wasn’t bluffing. I just wanted to know, exactly, how many people a week was he putting into his business because, if his #’s were strong, I absolutely would love to learn from the guy.

I’ve never met a Big Dog that wasn’t afraid to wag his tail a little…but again, maybe we’re not humble enough. He questioned my ‘mindset’ so, in my opinion, he put even better ‘bait’ on the hook…and I swallowed it, hook, line and sinker;

  • X, all good sir. I'm not sure I want you to mentor me, that's why I asked. I have over 19,000 people in my organizations, in more than 40 countries. I add over 40 people, personally, every single week into my, my mindset, was to inquire about what I might learn from you. I currently generate over $1mil and can document these claims. Is that mindset acceptable for you sir?


Now I know, he isn’t going to like the above response. I knew that when I sent it, but again…if someone is really good at their craft- adding reps and growing an MLM, they’ll simply respond comparatively. Not Mr.X. Was my above response insidious? Obviously. His reply?;

  • actually no. you are whats wrong with MLM - your braggadocios and obnoxious attitude - and the fact that 99% of those in your organization are "donating" their hard earned money to YOU and receiving nothing of value in return. good day sir.


And then, he unleashed the Crackin?. The reason I’m sharing this conversation is so that those of you in MLM can possibly learn from the experience. I did not post the gentleman’s name because I have no motive to embarrass or call out;

  • Lol, you know absolutely nothing about me, the class I teach (for free btw) or any of the content. You sir, simply made a judgment based on absolutely nothing. Thank you so much for beautiful article content (this conversation). And speaking of attitude, without knowing anything about me or what we might be able to do for or with each other, you went straight into pitching your MLM, told me how great it and you are....and I have attitude? Awesome


Btw, did I say I don’t teach grammer or spelling?

And yes, I told him flat out I intended to use the conversation content. Rude, bold, brash, mean spirited? Maybe. But I’m here to help anyone in this business to think like a marketer, first and foremost. And ya, I took offense at his claims in the end the same as I took his bait at the beginning- with curiosity at first which lead to indifference.

In the end, Mr.X actually did become my Mentor…if only for a just a minute.

 He taught me a word I had never heard, read or seen before- braggadocio, to which I looked it up. And I like it! It’s Italian and I’m…ya, an American version (I still use a knife to cut my pasta….and that’s what marketers call ‘A Damaging Admission’). The funny thing is I pissed him off so much, he changed his name or profile or something and he disappeared before I could thank him.

So Mr.X- since you left me hanging- thank you sir.

The point of this article, as with everyone I write, is to teach. In this case, recruiting attempts without using marketing techniques is dangerous. You could inadvertently teach Italian to someone who thinks they are Italian. It’s hurtful.

Before you ‘throw up’ on your prospect, be inquisitive, be guarded in the information or statements you make- you want your prospect to inquire for more…don’t poke an alligator with a stick.

As for me, and my claims…maybe I am what’s wrong with this industry….

But consider, doesn’t making that statement- saying there’s something wrong with the industry- doesn’t that indicate he’s offering to teach me how to do something in an industry he doesn’t even like, or least in an industry he thinks has things wrong with it?

In the interest of teaching…in an industry I absolutely love, an industry I think has absolutely nothing wrong with it, but an industry filled with blowhards claiming to be ‘Mentors’ or ‘Experts’ (not including Mr.X of course because he did ‘mentor’ me in vocabulary), let me suggest how this conversation could have gone and how he might have ‘hooked’ the alligator instead of poking him;

Mr.X- why did you reach out to me?

Me- because I thought you were in MLM

Mr.X- I am.

(That’s all he needed to say, just confirm. From here, any casual conversation would have been far better than jumping right up my skirt…geez, I’m not that kind of girl. Why do men, me included, struggle so much with foreplay?)

If he would have ‘held back’, less is more. If all he said was ‘I am’ I would be left with either pitching what I’m doing or asking what he’s doing, but he would then be pulling instead of pushing. By simply stating he was in MLM, he would have put the ball back in my court.

In marketing, his job is to make me curious. I’m a marketer too so my job is to do the exact same thing.

As marketers, our jobs are to ‘pull’ not ‘push.’ Why?

No one likes the ‘push’ because nobody likes to be SOLD. Everyone loves to buy. That’s the difference between selling and marketing- learning to pull vs. pushing.

Just to give you an example of how this works out far more beneficial, for both parties, I recently was contacted by another gentleman here.

He sent me a message here too…no, I’m not copying that one too, but the point is- he simply offered to show me something that might help me. Now, he also clearly made an offer, but an offer like;

I may have something for you of value, a way to dramatically increase your…

This other gentleman simply provided me a link to see if this ‘thing’ would help me. He was very direct, confident, maybe even cocky to some in his approach…but he simply made a great claim about what this ‘thing’ could do for me.

What happened?

Not only did I buy the ‘thing’, but we became business partners, and we’ve both made money from the relationship…and we both did so in less than a week!

That’s marketing, ladies and gentleman…and it’s so much easier than ‘selling’ and so much more fun. Not to mention the fact that it’s more profitable.

As for Mr.X, I don’t believe he’s got much of a downline, and I’m certain Send Out Cards? isn’t his first rodeo.

Had HIS offer to Mentor me not been expressed as a ‘Braggadocio’ and I quote, “..and yes, I can Mentor you”, maybe we both could have gained something of value.

Maybe, just maybe he’d learn to be a better marketer and maybe I’d learn enough Italian words that I’d use a spoon instead of a knife when I eat pasta…maybe. Unfortunately, I think both Mr.X and I are too set in our ways…

I use a knife when I eat Italian and he uses a push and a stick when he’s marketing.

So be it…now I’m getting hungry- this ‘braggadocio’ is going to go eat a meatball sandwich!

I may not tell ya what ya want to hear, but I’ll always tell ya the truth.


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