Examine’s newest page updates
Examine.com simplifies nutrition and supplementation to help answer your questions on how to be healthier.
The Examine Team has completed some page updates since we last emailed you — check them out:
Major updates (Considerable updates to the FAQs, database, or both.)
â—????? Licorice is the common name for plants of the Glycyrrhiza genus. Licorice has been used traditionally to treat and support the respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and genitourinary systems.
â—????? Maca refers to two plants belonging to the Brassicaceae family, Lepidium peruvianum and Lepidium meyeni. The plants resemble a turnip and have a history of being used as an aphrodisiac.
â—????? Malnutrition is an excess, deficiency, or imbalance of energy and nutrient intake in the diet. Malnutrition includes undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies as well as overweight and obesity.
â—????? Nitrate (NO3-) is found in several foods, including green leafy vegetables and beetroot. In the human body, dietary nitrate is used to produce nitric oxide, which plays a major role in regulating vascular function. Nitrate supplements are claimed to improve blood pressure, cardiovascular health, and exercise performance.
â—????? Obesity is a condition of excessive body fat that increases the risk for other conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Fat is how the body stores extra calories that were eaten but not used. Obesity treatment usually involves restricting the calories eaten or creating a negative calorie balance.
â—????? Olive leaf extract comes from the leaves of olive plants and is distinct from olive oil. Rich in phenolics such as oleuropein, this extract offers potential cardiovascular benefits. It may help reduce blood pressure and improve blood lipids as well as reduce inflammation.
�???? S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is a metabolite in the body that helps maintain several important biological reactions. Low levels of SAMe in the body are associated with several conditions, including liver conditions, chronic kidney disease (CKD), coronary artery disease (CAD), depression, and neurodegenerative conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Supplementation with SAMe might improve liver health and depression, but further high-quality clinical trials are needed to confirm those benefits.
�???? Strontium is a naturally occurring mineral found in the human body. It shares some similarities with calcium, which explains why it’s touted for conditions like tooth sensitivity, osteoporosis, and general bone health.
â—????? A vegetarian diet excludes all red meat, poultry, and seafood but can include eggs and dairy products. There is some promising evidence that a vegetarian diet could help in the prevention and treatment of certain chronic conditions like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. While there are some concerns regarding nutritional deficiencies, a well-planned vegetarian diet can provide all required nutrients.
â—????? Yerba mate is a plant commonly used to prepare a caffeinated herbal tea. Yerba mate has antioxidant and stimulant effects and might also benefit metabolic health.
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Minor updates (Small additions, changes, or corrections.)
â—????? Beta-alanine is a building block of carnosine, a molecule that helps buffer acid in muscles. Beta-alanine supplementation improves performance during high-intensity exercise lasting from 1 to 10 minutes. Carnosine also has antioxidant effects and may be beneficial for aging and neurological conditions.
â—????? Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a large polysaccharide that is found naturally throughout the body and in high concentrations in the skin, the joint fluid, and the eye. It plays a role in many important bodily functions, including wound healing, joint lubrication, and ovulation. As a supplement, it is most frequently used for joint health, to treat dry eyes, and in anti-aging products for the skin.
â—????? Prenatal supplements, also known as prenatal vitamins, are frequently used by women before conception and throughout gestation. Their purpose is to guarantee that both the expectant mother and the developing fetus obtain the necessary quantity of vital nutrients. They usually contain folic acid, iron, and other micronutrients, but the composition varies from brand to brand.
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Until next time!
The Examine Team