Examine Yourself: Can You Really Do The Work?
"For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it..." Luke 14:28 NKJV
If it were possible to get a degree in Abandoned Projects, I would probably have had one by now. I have several projects that I started but were never completed, it's almost embarrassing talking about them.
But this taught me a big lesson in first understanding what I'm about to get into before actually starting it.
You've probably discovered your calling and you've identified the vehicle you're going to use to achieve it. You're super passionate about it that you want to start now.
After all, if God said it, that settles it, right?
God may have told you to build a tower, but you're the one to sit down and count the cost. Unfortunately, many of us jump on passion projects hoping to change the world, only to stop halfway because we hit a roadblock we never planned for.
Sometimes, it can even just be a lack of focus, discipline and foolproof plan that would thwart the entire vision. Eventually, we become dejected and disappointed because we feel we failed.
The very first step to take before starting anything new, whether it's a business, non-profit, job or even family is to find and decide if you have the capacity to put in the work required.
This is the first step I always take people through when they try validating their ideas for passion projects they want to start. It's so vital because you may eventually discover that you're not even close to ready, and this is okay.
Sometimes, all it takes to get ready is to simply reorganise your life. Sometimes, it could mean developing a morning routine or changing your eating habits.
But to think that all you need to complete that assignment and fulfil your purpose is just the instruction you received is a recipe for disaster.
Counting the cost ahead of time helps you plan for unforeseen events. Yes, you won't be able to figure out all the possible obstacles you encounter, but you'll have a framework for overcoming them.
Starting this newsletter required that I create a consistent morning routine. However, life can get funny and there are days I can't follow the laid-down morning routine. But the intentionality is what still makes me open my notepad to write, even in the middle of the day. I'm passionate about it, but the truth is some days are just 'meh'. It's difficult, but my internal regulation won't allow me to rest until it's done :).
The instruction you received is only the first part. You have to validate it by examining your life and telling yourself the truth about whether or not you currently have the capacity to put in the work.
When you realise you can't do the work, you stand a better chance of putting down a plan to ensure you actually do the work, God helping you. That's how you count the cost and stand a better chance at completing what you start.