Examine your Beliefs.
How do you define your life? Have you ever given thought to the question??You may define your life as your experiences, accomplishments, deeds, and behavior.?The source of all of these is your belief system.?You speak, act, and live what you believe.?This is a simply stated vital piece of truth.?If you are what you believe, it stands to reason that if you do not like your life, you can examine your thoughts as the source of your experience. This is a revolutionary concept; it challenges those who believe that environmental and hereditary factors are the primary indicators of one's life.?Does one's environment and heredity influence your thoughts? Of course, they do!? You do not, however, have to remain subject to ineffective thinking.?You can free yourself by changing your thoughts/beliefs. This means that ANYONE regardless of ethnicity, sex, age, talent, etc can rise above their circumstances to create something better. Do some have more challenges and obstacles than others? Perhaps, but one still has the gift of opportunity to create anew every day.
Success or sabotage??What are your beliefs about success? Do you see yourself as being successful or on your way?
Is this going to be an incredible day? What makes one day more incredible than another? Are all days incredible or do specific things have to happen to make it so?