Examine pages we updated last month
Examine.com simplifies nutrition and supplementation to help answer your questions on how to be healthier.
It’s Nick, Lead Researcher at Examine. I hope everyone is settling comfortably into the winter holidays. We are just about to close the year off, and I wanted to reach out one more time to show you what’s been published recently!
Feedback of the week:
How easy is it to find what you’re looking for on Examine?
Major Updates (Considerable updates to the FAQs, database, or both.)
Minor Updates (Small additions, changes, or corrections.)
Plus, in case you missed it: Examine has a referral program!? Just log into your Examine account, copyset your unique referral code, and send links to your friends and family. If anyone signs up using your link, you’ll get a 33% commission for every payment they make, for life!
And if you’re ready see all the content we have to offer, you can try out Examine+ for free for 7 days.
Until next time!
Nick Milazzo, MS, MPH Examine Lead Researcher
P.S. Our New Year’s sale is coming up at the end of this month. Click here to get on the early bird list for extra savings and a chance to win 1 of 5 Examine+ Yearly memberships.