Exam Time!

Exam Time!

Exam season is almost upon us! This time of year can be stressful for any student, but if you struggle with your wellbeing and mental health, exam season can make it even harder. So we’ve decided to see what we can do to help you out. After all, we can’t help you with Maths or English, but we do know a thing or two about looking after our wellbeing and mental health!?

Why are exams so stressful?

First of all, it is important to clarify just what it is about exams that make people so stressed. The first thing we want you to remember is that stress is different for everyone. That means that what makes you anxious about exams could be different for a family member or friend. That doesn’t mean that your feelings aren’t valid! Just different to someone else’s. Without further ado, let’s look at some common examples of what can make people anxious and stressed about exam season.?

Pressure from teachers?

If any teachers happen to read this, we have a huge amount of respect for what you do! However, from a student’s point of view, it can feel like teachers are putting on a lot of pressure to get the best grades. Trust us, students, when we say that teachers have your best interests at heart. Remember that they are often under pressure too, often to hit targets. Sadly that pressure can filter down to you, the students.?

Pressure from family?

There can also be pressure at home from your parents, carers or other adults in your family. This can look like them making you aim for the top grades, even if you are trying your hardest, or taking classes or courses with the aim of a “suitable” career. It can be very difficult to know where this comes from, but one reason can be that they want you to have a better adulthood than they did, and this is their way of trying to make it happen.??

Peer pressure

This might come as a surprise to some, but peer pressure can apply to exams and academic success as well as things like how you dress or how you spend your time. This can take the form of gloating about their progress or nagging you about how you revise or do in exams

Self doubt

Last but not least, and probably most importantly , is self doubt. Believing in yourself can be very difficult, especially when it comes to dealing with the above, but it helps! Working hard and doing your best is an excellent strategy for getting the best grades you can, so keep that in mind!

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Revision and preparing for exams can be difficult when there is a lot of pressure on you

Lisa’s story?

This is my story of wellbeing and mental health during exam season. Before I begin, I would just like to issue a reminder that everyone’s story is different and that you shouldn’t compare yours to mine or anyone else’s.?

Disability in exam season?

I am disabled, with severe hearing loss and limited use of my left side. This means that I am entitled to things like some support or extra time in exams. It does not mean, however, that it makes taking exams any easier mentally!?

Stress of revision and exam preparation?

Even the mention of exams can make me stressed. I don’t know exactly why, but I suspect it has been like this since primary school, which was a very long time ago, so there is absolutely no way I can even try to remember that! There is just something about knowing that there is an exam that fills me with an immense sense of dread. Think horror movie levels of dread.?

As you can probably imagine, this had an impact on my revision and preparing for exams. There were some subjects I enjoyed, which made them easier to revise for, but when it came to the subjects I struggled with, I could easily feel deflated. Not that that stopped me from trying my best to revise and feel as prepared as I could for when an exam came.?

Stress of exams themselves?

Even with all of the revision and all of them I did, however, I was still terribly nervous whenever I went into an exam. The most I could do at that point, though, was to just take several deep breaths and do my best, try not to panic, and just hope that I remembered everything that I needed to.?

Stress of results day?

Deep breaths, everyone, the exams are over, we can relax now! That was pretty much my reaction once all of the exams were over. I could breathe properly again. But then, a few months later, along came results day. I hated results day. It took me well into the afternoon to go and pick up my GCSE results because I was so nervous. I was utterly terrified that I had completely messed up. It turned out that all my hard work was worth it in the end, though, which I was very pleased about.?

Tips and Tricks?

Now it is time for some tips and tricks that will hopefully help you feel better about exam season.?

Lisa’s tips

  • Start revising early?
  • Try your best and don’t be too hard on yourself

Mentor tips

  • Spend time outdoors and rest your eyes?
  • Use positive statements to encourage belief in yourself

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Going outside has many benefits - why not take revision outside if the weather is nice?

And that is it from us. Hopefully that will help you with what’s to come, and remember: work hard and do your best. Good luck


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