Exam passes are nice but....
About 10 years ago, on 7 May 2013, I was elected a Fellow of the Personal Finance Society.
It was a proud moment, signifying as it did a level of commitment to passing exams that surprised many, myself included.
Professional exams are good at weeding out ne'er-do-wells, scoundrels, thieves and con artists – those with bad intentions rarely have the stomach for an arduous education programme.
However, lots of exam passes do not make one professional better than another – expertise and correct behaviour should come as standard.
The difference between good and bad professionals is do with our interactions as humans. This is never taught by professional bodies, we have to learn it for ourselves (or not).?
What really matters, matters to all of us in all our relationships, professional or personal.
They are empathy, sympathy, caring, understanding, listening, hearing, responding to name a few.
If I lack those it doesn't matter how many certificates I have on the wall, I simply won't be able to serve you in the way you want to be served.
That’s because what I do matters much less than how you feel about what I do.