An example of my poetry
The Knights Templars Of Albion ??
??Knights Templars at The Knights Templars Of Albion??.... ??A Constitutional based Globally Recognised Templar Order??.
The Grand Masters Tale
The 23 Grand Masters or the rise and fall of the Templar's.
Hughes de Paynes with eight humble knights
Was accepted By Baldwin ii of Jerusalem
to end the pilgrims plight.
He was supported by the Pope to be a pious man
At the Council of Troyes 1129
The Knights Templars story really began.
He raised money for the order and traveled the lands
when he died in Palestine 1136
He had become a powerful man.
Now Robert de Crayon what did he do
A man of valour
Great organiser to.
He turned the Order into a major force
The Knights Templar became
More than a man on a horse.
March 29 1139 Pope Innocent ii issued a Papal Bull
Omne Datum Optimum
Now the Templars paid no taxes at all.
One final achievement of this GM
Was the Croix Pattee on the Mantle
Distinguished them from ordinary men.
Now we have Everard des Barres With Louis vii of France
They set out on the Second Crusade.
At the Siege of Damascus 1148
The second Crusade was in a terrible state
Everard was a Pious and valiant man
But war and Battle did not suite his plan
In 1151 back home in France
He abdicated and became a Monk at Clairvaux.
His Brother Templars complained
But at the end of the day What could they do.
Bernard de Tremeley in 1151 was elected Grand Master
But what was he to do
King Baldwin iii of Jerusalem was to save the day
He granted Baldwin Gaza although in ruins they say.
He rebuilt the city gave him something to do.
Two years later in 1153
The Battle of Ascalon was no victory.
Fatimid Egypt controlled the fortress which the Templars tried to take
There Siege tower caught fire
the walls burned to
As the Templars rushed in
Bernard lost control of his men
They became surrounded
No escape for them.
Baldwin suffered a terrible fate
Was hacked to death his is head cut off a gift for the Sultan
Things not looking good for the Templars at this rate.
Andre de Montbard his time had come
was one of the founders when the Templars begun.
He only lasted three years
In this time not much was done.
Bertrand de Blanchefort you are the sixth
He wanted the templars to be closer to God
He petitioned the Pope.
A new Title he gained
"Master by Grace of God"
He then went on to give The Templars more structure
He knew things had to change.
He wrote the "Retraits"
This gave roles and protocol.
From now on he said the Knights will decide
Much more democracy
Not decided by the previous before he died.
He went on to teach negotiation
A peace treaty was made with Egypt.
This GM had turned the tide.
Philip of Nablus 1169 the seventh Grand Master
He got involved with Egypt again
Another disaster.
By 1171 he decided to resign.
The Templar's were having a difficult time.
Odo de st Amand would he be the man
He took them to victories
Naplouse, Jericho and then the Battle of Montgisard
A superior detachment of Saladin's army slaughtered nearly every man.
However things they soon did change
Chastellet fortress built by Him
was a thorn in the side of Saladin.
He lost an attempt in 1179 and Saladin's assault on Jerusalem was defeated.
Odo now filled with the wine of victory.
Along with Baldwin iv, Raymond iii of Tripoli and Roger de Moulins they had a plan
This was the Battle of Ayun.
As before this went so badly wrong
Saladin forces were far to strong.
St Amand was taken hostage
He never was set free
He died in Prison
Such a terrible place to be.
Arnold of Torroja 1181 his reign as GM now begun
He tried to set up a new power base
The wars in the Middle East were not too his taste.
Instead he focused on troubles at home
This was with the Hospitallers now favoured in Rome.
Pope Lucius iii did mediate and with King Baldwins help
The two GM's decided to put aside disagreement
Now they could cooperate.
Torroja himself became a man of peace
He had learned how to negotiate.
Now to Saladin he must turn
For he no ,longer wanted to see Jerusalem burn
Saladin agreed and peace was made
This lasted until Torroja went to his Grave.
Gerard de Ridefort now an interesting man
he constantly had a battle plan
To destroy Saladin his ambitious goal.
lets see what happened, was he a noble man?
There was much infighting among the nobility in France
So Ridefort thought he take his chance.
In 1187 he made his move
He took King Henry ii money to hire troops.
So obsessed was he with Saladin's defeat
He wanted victory not retreat.
The Battle of Cresson what a disaster to see.
100 knights take on 5000
For Saladin's son easy victory.
Ridefort survived but did not learn,
at the Battle of Hattin the tide did not turn.
Ridefort was captured but later set free
This Gm Still wanted victory.
In 1189 his final fate came
The Siege of Acre to loose again.
This time Saladin no mercy to show
Cut off Ridefort head,
For Saladin this GM had to go.
No longer to live better he was dead.
Robert IV of Stable his time now come
He did win Battles victory had come
with King Richard 1 at his side
Into the third Crusade they did ride.
he won many victories his confidence grew
The Battle of Arsuf his finest hour
With the Hospitaller by his side
Into battle he did ride.
For once Saladin had to retreat
A great victory
But for Saladin defeat.
He went on to buy the Island of Cyprus
But he failed to make good use of it.
Not much was left as Richard had plundered it.
He died in 1193
without another victory.
Gilbert Erail a different kind of man.
He wanted peace.
No more war with Islam.
However the troubles with the Hospitallers increased.
Pope Innocent favoured the Hospitaliers
The Pope saw the peace treaties made with Malek Adel
A treasonous act.
He did his best to keep the peace.
Now focused on France to consolidate the possessions of the Templars and also Apulia.
Not much more was he to do.
Just focus on France where there wealth grew.
He died in 1200 at least some peace he knew.
Phllip de Plessis not much did he do.
More troubles with the Hospitallers is all he knew.
the Templars were also expelled from Armenia
The Pope however saved the day.
He kept his head down and focused on Europe
The Templars were now the most powerful force.
Lets see what happens next and how the Templars ran their course.
Guillaume de Chartres turned to Spain
The Order flourished here once again.
He also had victories against the Moors
But accused of treason for his Contact with the Mongols.
It was hard for him to know what to do
His final battle in the siege of Damietta led to his death
Another GM had taken his final breath.
Peire de Montagut the 15th GM
He returned to the Holy Land
This GM was a superb battle tactician.
He only had one mission
However his dreams turned to dust.
Catholic pressure ruined his negotiations with the Muslims.
So continued the battle lust.
His life took short in 1232
He died of Apoplexy not by the knife or sword
His battle gains once more turned to dust.
Aramand de Lavoie once more to battle did go
With Hospittalier and Tutonic Knights in 1244,
The Battle of La Forbie a terrible sight
More than 3000 dead by the end of the fight.
Lavoie was slain along with his men
The Sultan of Egypt had won again.
Richard de Bures. Now here is a tale
was he really a Grand Master?
The 17th he must then of been.
Never mentioned in History
was he just a smoke screen.
Guillaume de Sonnac. He saw much death and the Templar demise.
The seventh Crusade was his legacy and pride.
He fought in many battles lost an eye
Some say this Templar refused to die.
It was the Battle of Fariskur where he drew his last breath.
A blow to the head no longer could he see
Pulled from his horse and hacked to death.
This was a Brave GM one of the battle best.
Renaud de Vichiers. This man was pious
He was never meant to fight for blood and victory
Instead he retired to a monastery.
As a GM he did not do much apart from pray.
In a Monastery he died in 1256.
He found peace in his life
Some say he feared battle that's why he avoided
The sword and the knife.
Thomas Berard the end is in sight
He saw one stronghold fall night after night.
he saw the fall of Montfort the last inland Christian fortification.
The Holy Land now lost.
He knew all they could was retreat to save a few lives.
at such a huge cost.
The Pope even refused to help
The Templar cause now nearly lost.
He died march 25th 1273
To regain the Holy Land now an impossibility.
Guillaume de Beaujeu. Now this was a very brave man
He fought at Acre to the last stand.
Acre fell and the Mamluks had won
this fateful year 1291.
Thibaud Gaudin some do say ran from Acre to Cyprus took treasure to pay.
He did however become GM after another loss a fateful day.
He turned to Cyprus but to no avail
when he died they say he had failed
The Templar power all but nearly derailed.
Jacques De Molay was left the feeling was despair
The Templar empire in disrepair.
Philip of France made the final move
This great Order now to be torn down.
Although he was not prepared for his fate
Jacques de Molay was burnt at the stake.
March 1314 this terrible day
For all the Templars had done.
This is not the ending
Our future has just begun.
Sir Nick Hall KT
Grand Master
The Knights Templars of Albion
Serjeant-at-Arms & Parliament Support Service Manager (Retired)
3 年--
3 年Finalement comme toutes les confréries qui ont mené à bien leur projet au delà de toute espérance, les Templiers ont été victimes de leur fabuleuse réussite . En inspirant la crainte par leur puissance militaire qui est devenu un véritable contre pouvoir dans nombre de Royaumes , et la convoitise par l'accumulation de leur immense richesse , ils ne pouvaient que liguer contre eux les souverains farouchement attachés à leur absolutisme . Comment un Roi autoritaire tel que Philippe Le Bel , ayant pour ambition de faire de la France la plus grande Monarchie d'Europe pouvait-il accepter d'avoir de tels rivaux en son Royaume?Assurément " Sa France "ne pouvait être que si les Templiers n'étaient plus...