Exam-Enjoy the challenge!

Exams are part of life and life is a test.

A test of our character, survival, knowledge, and the ongoing progress we make.

Exams give us an opportunity to take stock of our situation, to analyse our career path, and to adapt as necessary to reach our objectives. They encourage us to simply focus on the challenge ahead.

To face this challenge, here's what I suggest you should do:

?Work on your state of mind – be positive that you are going to give your best.
?Have belief in your knowledge and skills and the exams will be a much more memorable – and maybe even enjoyable – experience.
?On the exam day, prepare yourself as if you are heading into battle – be calm and composed. Try not to think about the result at this stage, but be determined to perform well and make all the revision and studying count.

Exams are part of life’s challenges and facing them is always a great learning experience.

Ebenezer Frimpong


7 年

My email address is :[email protected]

Ebenezer Frimpong


7 年

Dear Viviana, where is your school located? Do you teach ACCA papers?




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