Exam and Assessment Results are Evidence of Competence
STCW Code Table A-II/1
Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more
Methods for assessing competence
How you prove you can DO
Examination and assessment of evidence from in-service experience of using chart catalogues, nautical publications, radio navigational warnings, sextant, azimuth mirror, electronic instrumentation, echo sounder compass
Examination and assessment of evidence from in-service experience related to maintaining a safe navigation watch
Assessment of evidence from approved RADAR simulator and ARPA simulator plus in-service experience
Examination and assessment of evidence from in-service experience related to the use of ECDIS to maintain safety of navigation
Examination and assessment of evidence from in-service experience related to emergency response
Examination and assessment of evidence from practical instruction related to responding to a distress signal at sea
Examination and assessment of evidence from practical instruction related to the use of the IMO standard marine communication phrases and use English in written and oral form
Examination and assessment of evidence from practical instruction related to transmitting and receiving information by visual signalling
Examination and assessment of evidence from in-service experience related to manoeuvring the ship
Examination and assessment of evidence from in-service experience related to loading, stowage, securing, care during the voyage and the unloading of cargoes
Examination and assessment of evidence from in-service experience related to the inspection and reporting defects and damage to cargo spaces, hatch covers and ballast tanks.
Examination and assessment of evidence from in-service experience related to compliance with pollution-prevention requirements
Examination and assessment of evidence from in-service experience related to maintaining the seaworthiness of the ship.
A-VI/3 applies
A-VI/2 applies
A-VI/4 applies
Examination and assessment of evidence from practical instruction related to compliance with legislative requirements
Examination and assessment of evidence from in-service experience related to leadership and teamworking skills
A-VI/1 applies