The evolving risks of Generative AI

The evolving risks of Generative AI

As the development of Generative AI tools has a stunning pace, so have the measures and precautions we must take to safeguard our businesses.

These models, which can produce anything from written content to images, music, source code, and more, hold a vast potential to revolutionize industries. However, with this tremendous power comes an equal measure of risks. As custodians of our companies’ digital strategies, it's imperative for us to stay abreast of these threats. Let’s dive in.


Deepfakes & misinformation

Generative AI models are adept at creating incredibly realistic fake content. Deepfake videos or misleading articles can severely harm a company's reputation, distort truths, and lead to financial manipulations. Staying prepared means investing in detection technologies and ensuring all employees are trained to spot such misleading content. When using AI-powered solutions, challenge the vendor to find out how they fight hallucinations and the fake content created by this phenomenon.

IP theft & creative infringement

With AI that can generate music, designs, or literature, intellectual property theft is a looming concern. Competitors or malicious actors can generate content strikingly similar to original creations, leading to potential legal battles and brand dilution. Aside from this, what happens to the data and prompts you send to the tools? Is your IP protected?


Data poisoning & model manipulation

Malicious actors can subtly introduce biases or corrupt data during the training process of these generative models. Over time, our systems can produce skewed, offensive, or dangerous outputs, potentially causing operational disasters. This is especially harmful when it concerns solutions exposed to customers.


Unintended automations

While automation can be a boon, over-reliance on generative AI for content can risk oversights in quality, sensitivity, and context. Without human intervention and oversight, it is possible to unintentionally generate content misaligned with our brand's values or even discriminate. Automation can lead to very good results and substantial savings, but it needs to be done deliberately.


Privacy concerns

Generative models trained on vast datasets might unintentionally reproduce personal or proprietary information snippets. As CIOs, we must ensure our models adhere to strict data protection standards and not inadvertently violate privacy norms.

Mitigating the risks:

Stay updated: Engage with the AI community, attend conferences, and subscribe to AI-centric publications to stay informed about the latest risks and countermeasures.

Regular Ethical Impact Assessments: Conduct regular security and ethical impact assessments of your AI implementations.

Collaborate: Engage with AI ethics researchers and professionals to understand the societal implications of your implementations.

Educate & train: Ensure that your teams are educated about the risks of generative AI and have clear guidelines on its use.

Layered security: Implement a multi-faceted security approach, combining technology with human oversight.

AI Compliance Officer: Appointing an AI Compliance Officer is a great way to coordinate the work and to ingest knowledge in companies.


In conclusion, while the power of generative AI can transform our businesses in unimaginable ways, it also introduces a new spectrum of threats. By staying informed, proactive, and responsive, we can responsibly harness this power and safeguard our companies’ and society’s interests.


