Evolving as a Purpose-Driven Business
Eddy G Perez Jr, CMB
Helping the mortgage industry achieve home ownership so everyone feels empowered to be more | Co-Founder and CEO | Podcast Host | CMB
If you’re not growing you're dying. That’s a pretty widely held concept for people in both business and personal life. Many years ago, profit was the focus of most business organizations. I am happy to say the central focus has shifted, and now it is centered on profit with purpose. We look at how we are benefiting the communities and sharing that profit, using it to propel ourselves forward into the future, turning it into financial empowerment as well as making sure our team members have what they need to thrive.
How do we give back? How do we empower others? How do we engage well with our consumers in a world that is hurting, in a world that is changing and struggling in many ways? I love America. I love our organization, so our focus is to find ways to lift both the people within the organization, and my fellow Americans up, and to build strong relationships that will grow into the future.
Making the EPM Way a priority every day ensures that we are able to do both of these. Do we make mistakes? YES! Do we have big fails YES! You can't grow without that pain. But focusing on several of our 23 Fundamentals EVERYDAY, helps ensure that we can Always Be Evolving. A handful of our Fundamentals are listed below to demonstrate our approach to evolution as an organization.
Innovations, Improvement, and success don’t come from playing it safe. They come from thoughtful and intentional willingness to try the unconventional and ask “What if?”, trying new ways, and thinking differently.
Evolution doesn’t mean we change completely and leave everything behind to start anew. We have to be careful to both anchors ourselves in our values and orient ourselves toward the future of the organization.
In order to evolve well, we consistently must Share Best Information with our organization. The more people know, the better they can collaborate. We build trust by being open and transparent and we kill rumors and negativity by facing changes to our organization as they are happening. We work together to overcome challenges and disruptions to the market, and roll up our sleeves and get to work on moving forward.
Speaking Courageously is another EPM Fundamental that drives us hard, but opens us up to opportunities. We say what needs to be said and address things directly. Speak honestly. Be honest about failures and expectations. We create a space where our team can raise concerns and feel comfortable putting it on the table in order to rally solutions. We have to work collaboratively in order to convert ideas and dreams into realities together. We must be willing to address any white elephant in the room, accepting what is going on now and building trust focusing on progress to keep motivation consistent.
Listen Generously by recognizing the human element in our organization and encouraging it makes our dynamic different. We can be who we are and speak out. Reach out, perhaps even emotionally, but then work together to redirect the fears to gratitude. By being present and engaged in what is being said, and suspending judgment, asking to follow up questions, and attempting to understand the underlying needs of the organization, we are building trust, and evolving in ways where we find mutual satisfaction as we move forward.
Demonstrate Empathy. 2020 has been a wild ride. Ask for compassion and empathy and show the same. We do better when we stick together and our consumers need to be sure their needs will be met too. We must understand and embrace others’ expectations of us. The more we anticipate and understand the needs of others, the better we all evolve together.
Evolution is not a straight line. We must be courageous to face the challenges and missteps. We must listen, learn, and act in order to maintain strong relationships with consumers and our teams. Get ahead of rumors and have everybody on board with the vision. We build trust with transparency and follow through on what we say. We incorporate these as well as all 23 of our EMP Fundamentals into the way we engage in our business every day. We share a common focus as we take things to the next level. Empowering People More.