Evolving as a person
Lee Fitzpatrick
Founder at Zebra Growth, a Certified B Corp | Regenerative Go-To-Ecosystem Services For Mission Driven Organisations Launching New Things Into The World | Fractional CMO & Growth Director | Regenerative Growth Coach
Just like a growing business, you will inevitably reach inflection points in your own self development, times when it feels like your world is collapsing around you, and just like any business in this position you have a decision to make; do you taper off your growth in a cautious move or do you continue on the upward (yet unstable) trajectory of personal growth and self-actualisation. I’m not discussing the superficial stuff here, I’m delving a little deeper into how we really evolve in our thinking, opinions of ourselves, how we view the outside world & ultimately how we find inner peace.
The later is a bold move and it’s one that will leave you vulnerable, isolated & extremely uncomfortable. However, as Author Sandra Kring said so eloquently;
“The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness and struggle to reach the light.”
These inflection points are to be repeated at various points throughout your life as you grow. Even though you have stability you will feel incongruous to your current surroundings. The very word stability can mean resistance to change, deterioration, or displacement. And after all, that’s what we are trying to dismantle if we are to grow into a higher-self?
If like me, you have attempted to “level-up” in life then don’t panic, the feelings of loneliness, fear and self-doubt will pass in time. Once you push through the struggle you will arrive at your destination a happier person. More evolved, confident and assured (but let’s not get caught up in the end game). You will sense from within that you are fulfilling your purpose and the next time you hit an inflection point you will be better prepared. Your increased self-awareness will guide you through the tough terrain of growth, this time on a path of slightly lesser resistance.
Here’s how I realised I was trying hard to evolve.
# I felt insecure.
“The only thing that can stop you is the doubt that you carry in your mind” — Chae Richardson
The process of moving away from security could be perceived as a negative move, however in the context of self-growth, I believe the feeling of insecurity is a sign that you are moving from one level of your life to another higher level. You haven’t quite found your footing in your development, which in turn results in a short-term lack of confidence in your ability.
On every occasion where I challenged myself to be courageous and follow my dreams, I have felt this unsettling insecurity and have questioned my own self-worth; “Am I good enough”, “You don’t deserve this”, “You will fail”. This hugely detrimental self-talk is something I have battled with my whole life, but I have never let it stop me. At each crossroads I have made the decision to proceed anyway and with every leap of faith, the self-talk has quietened, and my self-assuredness began to grow in strength.
The thing is, when you choose a path of learning and personal development you are going to reach points where the set of skills you have developed is simply not enough and you will pursue understanding and perhaps eventually mastery of a different set of principles. At this point your confidence will take a steep drop as you become momentarily, a beginner again.
People will say, “You don’t seem like yourself.” This is fine. It has become one of the early signs that I know I am going through a period of internal change.
You’ll wonder if you’ll ever be able to feel that confidence again. Don’t worry, you will.
# I questioned the path I was on
Amongst the insecurities and temporary moments of self-doubt I have always contemplated the direction I was pursuing. Was it selfish of me, was it realistic & was it just a passing phase; a dream?
Having pushed through this period of doubt on many occasions, let me say first, wholeheartedly that it was not selfish, it was a necessary part of figuring out who I was and what I stood for. And this self understanding is forever evolving. Actually, It’s quite exciting.
Nonetheless, these moments of doubt, often turned into weeks and months where it seemed my world was falling apart. The lack of certainty. The fear. The painful anxiety.
In these times of inner turmoil, I found it of the utmost importance to try harder to connect within. Reminding myself of my core values, how far I have come, deepening my learning, focusing on my self-awareness, listening to my thoughts, challenging all negativity & most importantly accepting my reality while trying to find my flow.
Every time it is hard. I feel disheartened & isolated, but the path always becomes clear again.
# I felt alone, even amongst close friends and family
Feeling lonely is one of the early signs that I am struggling with my mental health and I am very self-aware of when I begin to isolate myself from the people closest to me.
I do believe that in times of self-discovery being alone and having time to think deeply is important, however I have also realised through time that it is important to maintain a connection with those who want to help. A problem shared is a problem halved and all that jazz.
Being isolated will act as a limiting factor in your growth as a person. I am very introverted outside my professional capacity, but in recent months I have challenged to put myself “out there” more and despite my catastrophic fear of rejection, it has resulted in some of the most meaningful relationships in my life, old and new, flourishing.
In summary, I dedicate ample time to gathering my thoughts & getting to know myself but in recent months I have become much more aware of maintaining the relationship with the people I love, my “inner circle” you could say. I opened to them, after all they are not mind readers and I was pleasantly surprised that even though I hadn’t notice, they have been there all the time, rooting for me. And the others who weren’t, well, they are fluff.
Be alone for as long as you need, but at some point, realise that you will need to meet those closest to you half way and by being vulnerable you may strengthen the relationships with those who matter.
# I felt numb to what used to drive me
For so long, I was fixated on the outcome, convinced that success to me directly correlated to having more money. And in recent months I experienced a seismic shift. I started to realise that my pursuit of financial gain often resulted in huge areas of my life being neglected; my health, my happiness, my precious time with loved ones. I was experiencing side effects of the rat race, but I no longer felt driven by this mechanism. I felt disconnected, confused as to what I was passionate about, who I was. Struggling to figure out what excited me. What ignited the fire in my belly?
This disconnection wasn’t because I didn’t care. It was because I had advanced to a new level of understanding in myself. Yes, money was important, it was a means to “survive”, but it was the outcome of my passion. It was an outcome of the process. I don’t get out of bed every morning for some poorly designed paper notes. I get out of bed to help people achieve their purpose, to continue learning, to develop my self-awareness to give unconditionally to others. To find the beauty in life and to live my purpose.
Living this truth is how you develop deeper mastery, and an ability to push through the toughest of conditions and come through the other end happier and more accomplished than ever before.
“I think you will find that when your death takes its toll, all the money you made will never buy back your soul” — Bob Dylan
# I found joy for the first time in a long time
This one seems oversimplified, but it was truly transformational for me.
In the midst of the mess that was my life, I managed to find joy in the simple things that I had overlooked for so long. I opened my eyes and saw all the people I had around me, the people I used to distance myself from through fear of rejection.
I found myself experiencing gratitude for the first time. The breathlessness or feeling of being overwhelmed with life was suddenly manageable.
My increased awareness allowing me to put things into perspective and limit the damage during times of stress.
I felt at ease. And I began to notice the things that money can’t buy and for me, that was lifechanging.
“I realise it for the first time in my life; there is nothing but mystery in the world, how it hides behind the fabric of our poor, browbeat days, shining brightly, and we didn’t even know about it”
- Extract from the book; The secret life of bees.
# I began to turn down opportunities
I had spent my whole adult life seeking out better opportunities, grabbing them with both hands without a second thought, leaving no time for consideration or weighing up the opportunity cost. I believe this quick-fire tendency came from a deep routed lack of self-belief and it ultimately landed me in some shitty situations.
However, something I have noticed as I have been evolving is that my discernment of opportunities has become much sharper. I no longer feel the urge to jump at opportunities when they present themselves but instead much prefer to take the time to consider whether they match my values or the bold path I am carving. I was no longer willing to sell myself short. If it isn’t a huge yes, then it’s a no!
From now on the opportunities that matter are simply the ones that vibrate with my energy on a deep level, the ones that will continue me on my journey towards success.
And success for me is now simply; Finding inner peace, evolving as a good person and living my passions. The rest is just fluff.
“A ‘once-in-a-lifetime opportunity’ is irrelevant if it is the wrong opportunity.” — Jim Collins
Thanks so much for reading. All feedback, comments, and of-course claps welcome.
I also record podcasts, interviewing amazing people, focusing on mental health & entrepreneurship and you can have a listen here>>>