Evolving Intelligence — How AI can Upskill your Workforce

Evolving Intelligence — How AI can Upskill your Workforce

It's undeniable: the AI revolution is in full swing. It seems more and more that every business is already incorporating some kind of AI tool to automate their daily tasks. Many worry about the layoffs that could come with this, but in reality, AI is currently the best path to workforce upskilling.?

Who is GenAI for?

Engineering leaders today predict that GenAI will be able to boost productivity throughout all stages of any workflow. These developers are already looking forward to freeing themselves of routine tasks and instead focusing on key areas such as business logic, architecture, and mentorship.

But this isn't just for engineering teams; those in sales can use can AI to help aggregate themes from sales calls. Retail businesses can optimize their supply chains and generate sales forecasting, project program managers can use a mix of AI and automation to build robust timelines and project roadmaps. The list really does go on.??

When companies incorporate Generative AI technology into their work spaces, it’s often seen as a massive, complex transformation – and that’s true. But even some of the most impactful business applications for AI right now are relatively simple to implement.?

So, will AI replace workers?

On the contrary! Trends show that companies have much more to gain by upskilling their workforce with AI than just replacing it.?

Employees have valuable knowledge and experience that could be catastrophic for businesses to lose. Instead, there's a general demand to upskill their workforce, in every function, at every level. AI as a tool to capture valuable knowledge and strengthen their workforce – not replace it.

Here are a few examples of how AI helps upskill workers:

  • Giving them insights and knowledge faster through better search functions.
  • Providing examples for projects, like drafting a page based on their notes.
  • Connecting their teams more effectively and improving employee engagement.
  • Helping them with writing and adjusting their tone for different clients.
  • Allowing easier, better analysis of their workforce performance and providing useful?

Using AI to upskill the workforce

It's clear that whether it’s supporting research or marketing campaigns or customer service, AI makes people more efficient and effective in performing a wide variety of tasks.

Colin Jarvis, an architect from OpenAI, used in an interview the example of a customer service company that deployed an AI “co-pilot” for their agent. The AI functioned as a small onscreen window that agents could easily incorporate into their regular workflow.?

The results of incorporating an AI co-pilot?

Employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction both soared, as agents had more relevant information at their fingertips, assisting their clients better and faster. In total, customer service costs decreased by 24% and agent throughput increased.?

This wasn’t some rocket science application of AI; it was a simple application that augmented agents and made them faster and better at their jobs.

It's clear that AI is here to stay. Whether you use it for customer service or HR, for resource management to finances, AI provides tremendous possibilities to change and expedite workflows and fundamentally change how teams work together.

Despite the many fears about AI, we’re optimistic. We believe AI will ultimately change our work lives for the better, and we're excited to see what comes next.?


