Evolving from Components to Systems- Speak at the New Strategies in Light
Clifton Stanley Lemon, Co-Chair, Strategies in Light
My colleagues and I at Endeavor Business Media (EBM) have recently rebranded our venerable Strategies in Light (SIL) conference, expanding the focus outward to encompass more industries and emerging technology areas, including building and construction, design engineering, energy, IoT and smart buildings and cities. Like many industries, we’re adapting to the pandemic and economic disruption by planning to include a virtual overlay for the conference, so there are now more options to participate.
EBM is the largest business media company in the U.S., with deep expertise in the professional development market and a diverse portfolio of media brands across many industries including building and construction, industrial, city services, healthcare, transportation, energy, design, and technology. Our team has made a concerted effort to make Strategies in Light a unique and powerful learning and networking experience, based on connecting people, technology, systems, ideas, and solutions in the built environment. If you’re an expert in lighting or any of these other areas, we invite you to participate by submitting an abstract to speak at the conference, which is scheduled for February 9-11, 2021 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California.
Systems Are Becoming Increasingly Connected
The lighting industry has been talking about “connected lighting” for some time, but if we ask “connected to what?” the answer so far has generally been about lighting being connected to itself rather than to other important building systems and services. The transformation that’s taking place with lighting and, more slowly, with other building systems, is the addition of two capabilities layered on top of control systems: sensing and analytics. These two layers are part of a bigger shift in the entire construction industry, which is that what has evolved for centuries as a largely craft-based, rule-of-thumb practice is becoming evidence-based, driven by measurement and analysis. So far lighting has played a part in driving this shift – by hosting sensor systems on top of its network – but has lagged behind as lighting practitioners have for the most part not yet developed the expertise to manage new technologies such as IoT.
Increasingly, building owners want the benefits of unified, connected systems, where sensors and analytics begin to optimize not only energy use but all system operations, saving time and money, providing a healthier environment, and preserving or increasing the asset value of real estate. Lighting provides a vital connection to the evolution of an intelligent, adaptive, resilient built environment.
Conferences Shape the Future, You Can Too
Conferences have always played a vital role in the development and direction of industries, technologies, and science. SIL has one of the strongest and most visionary teams in the industry that can execute on providing strategic direction for the future. By speaking at SIL, you can help to show lighting and other building industry professionals how lighting can lead the way. Submit an Abstract Now.